Following are notes on creating a container as test driver for Congress. This is based upon an Ubuntu host as installed by JOID. === Create and Activate the Container === sudo lxc-create -n trusty-copper -t /usr/share/lxc/templates/lxc-ubuntu -- -b ubuntu ~/opnfv sudo lxc-start -n trusty-copper -d sudo lxc-info --name trusty-copper Name: trusty-copper State: RUNNING PID: 4563 IP: CPU use: 28.77 seconds BlkIO use: 522.79 MiB Memory use: 559.75 MiB KMem use: 0 bytes Link: vethDMFOAN TX bytes: 2.62 MiB RX bytes: 88.48 MiB Total bytes: 91.10 MiB === Login and configure the test server === ssh ubuntu@ sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade -y # Install pip sudo apt-get install python-pip -y # Install java sudo apt-get install default-jre -y # Install other dependencies sudo apt-get install git gcc python-dev libxml2 libxslt1-dev libzip-dev php5-curl -y # Setup OpenStack environment variables per your OPNFV install export CONGRESS_HOST= export KEYSTONE_HOST= export CEILOMETER_HOST= export CINDER_HOST= export GLANCE_HOST= export HEAT_HOST= export NEUTRON_HOST= export NOVA_HOST= source ~/ # Install and test OpenStack client mkdir ~/git cd git git clone cd python-openstackclient git checkout stable/liberty sudo pip install -r requirements.txt sudo python install openstack service list +----------------------------------+------------+----------------+ | ID | Name | Type | +----------------------------------+------------+----------------+ | 2f8799ae50f24c928c021fabf8a50f5f | keystone | identity | | 351b13f56d9a4e25849406ec1d5a2726 | cinder | volume | | 5129510c3143454f9ba8ec7e6735e267 | cinderv2 | volumev2 | | 5ee1e220460f41dea9be06921400ce9b | congress | policy | | 78e73a7789a14f56a5d248a0cd141201 | quantum | network | | 9d5a00fb475a45b2ae6767528299ed6b | ceilometer | metering | | 9e4b1624ef0b434abc0b82f607c5045c | heat | orchestration | | b6c01ceb5023442d9f394b83f2a18e01 | heat-cfn | cloudformation | | ba6199e3505045ad87e2a7175bd0c57f | glance | image | | d753f304a0d541dbb989780ae70328a8 | nova | compute | +----------------------------------+------------+----------------+ # Install and test Congress client cd ~/git git clone cd python-congressclient git checkout stable/liberty sudo pip install -r requirements.txt sudo python install openstack congress driver list +------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | id | description | +------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ceilometer | Datasource driver that interfaces with ceilometer. | | neutronv2 | Datasource driver that interfaces with OpenStack Networking aka Neutron. | | nova | Datasource driver that interfaces with OpenStack Compute aka nova. | | keystone | Datasource driver that interfaces with keystone. | | cinder | Datasource driver that interfaces with OpenStack cinder. | | glancev2 | Datasource driver that interfaces with OpenStack Images aka Glance. | +------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ # Install and test Glance client cd ~/git git clone cd python-glanceclient git checkout stable/liberty sudo pip install -r requirements.txt sudo python install glance image-list +--------------------------------------+---------------------+ | ID | Name | +--------------------------------------+---------------------+ | 6ce4433e-65c0-4cd8-958d-b06e30c76241 | cirros-0.3.3-x86_64 | +--------------------------------------+---------------------+ # Install and test Neutron client cd ~/git git clone cd python-neutronclient git checkout stable/liberty sudo pip install -r requirements.txt sudo python install neutron net-list +--------------------------------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------+ | id | name | subnets | +--------------------------------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------+ | dc6227df-af41-439f-bd2c-c2c2f0fe7fc5 | public | 5745846c-dd79-4900-a7da-bf506348ceac | | a3f9f13a-5de9-4d3b-98c8-d2e40a2ef8e9 | internal | 5e0be862-90da-44ab-af43-56d5c65aa049 | +--------------------------------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------+ # Install and test Nova client cd ~/git git clone cd python-novaclient git checkout stable/liberty sudo pip install -r requirements.txt sudo python install nova hypervisor-list +----+---------------------+-------+---------+ | ID | Hypervisor hostname | State | Status | +----+---------------------+-------+---------+ | 1 | compute1.maas | up | enabled | +----+---------------------+-------+---------+ # Install and test Keystone client cd ~/git git clone cd python-keystoneclient git checkout stable/liberty sudo pip install -r requirements.txt sudo python install === Setup the Congress Test Webapp === # Clone Copper (if not already cloned in user home) cd ~/git if [ ! -d ~/git/copper ]; then git clone; fi # Copy the Apache config sudo cp ~/git/copper/components/congress/test-webapp/www/ubuntu-apache2.conf /etc/apache2/apache2.conf # Point proxy.php to the Congress server per your install sed -i -- "s/$CONGRESS_HOST/g" \ ~/git/copper/components/congress/test-webapp/www/html/proxy/index.php # Copy the webapp to the Apache root directory and fix permissions sudo cp -R ~/git/copper/components/congress/test-webapp/www/html /var/www sudo chmod 755 /var/www/html -R # Make webapp log directory and set permissions mkdir ~/logs chmod 777 ~/logs # Restart Apache sudo service apache2 restart === Using the Test Webapp === Browse to the trusty-copper server IP address. Interactive options are meant to be self-explanatory given a basic familiarity with the Congress service and data model. But the app will be developed with additional features and UI elements.