Following are instructions for installing Congress on an Ubuntu 14.04 LXC container in the OPNFV Controller node, as installed by the JOID installer. This guide uses instructions from the [[|Congress guide on readthedocs]]. Specific values below will need to be modified if you intend to repeat this procedure in your install environment. == Prequisite == OPFNV install per [[|JOID]] == Install Procedure == The install currently occurs via four bash scripts provided in the copper repo. See these files for the detailed steps: * [[|]]: creates the linux container for the congress server on the controller node, starts the congress server, copies to the congress server and invokes it via ssh. * [[|]]: installs congress in the congress server. == If you need to start over == Shutdown the congress server, and on the node1-control machine, delete the container. # get the congress server address juju ssh ubuntu@node1-control sudo lxc-info --name juju-trusty-congress | grep IP | awk "/ / { print \$2 }" exit juju ssh ubuntu@ sudo shutdown -P 0; exit juju ssh ubuntu@node1-control sudo lxc-destroy --name juju-trusty-congress == Restarting after server power loss etc == Currently this install procedure is manual. Automated install and restoral after host recovery is TBD. For now, this procedure will get the Congress service running again. # On jumphost, SSH to Congress server juju ssh ubuntu@ # If that fails # On jumphost, SSH to controller node juju ssh ubuntu@node1-control # Start the Congress container sudo lxc-start -n juju-trusty-congress -d # Verify the Congress container status sudo lxc-ls -f juju-trusty-congress NAME STATE IPV4 IPV6 GROUPS AUTOSTART ---------------------------------------------------------------------- juju-trusty-congress RUNNING - - NO # exit back to the Jumphost, wait a minute, and go back to the "SSH to Congress server" step above # On the Congress server that you have logged into source ~/ cd ~/git/congress source bin/activate bin/congress-server & disown -h %1