==== Introduction ==== Intel POD 5 is assigned to the JOID project. === Requirements === No additional system or network configuration required === Systems === ^Hostname ^CPU Model ^Memory ^Storage ^IPMI: IP/MAC, U/P ^1GbE: NIC#, IP, MAC, VLAN, Network ^10GbE: NIC#, IP, MAC, VLAN, Network ^Note ^ |pod5-urb-jump|2xXeon-5680|32GB|2x500GB|IF0:\\ 00:15:17:AC:3B:B4\\ U/P: root/root|IF0:\\ 00:15:17:AC:3B:B4\\ VLAN 984 (untagged)\\ DMZ IF1:\\ 00:15:17:AC:3B:B5\\ VLAN 501 (untagged)\\ Admin| IF2:\\ 90:e2:ba:8b:9e:70\\ VLAN 502 (untagged)\\ Private\\ IF3:\\ 90:e2:ba:8b:9e:71\\ VLAN 503 (untagged)\\ Public| |pod5-wcp-node1|2xE5-2699|64GB|3TB|IF0:\\ 00:1e:67cf:bb:55\\ U/P: root/root|IF0:\\ 00:1e:67cf:bb:53\\ VLAN 984 (untagged)\\ DMZ IF1:\\ 00:1e:67cf:bb:54\\ VLAN 501 (untagged)\\ Admin| IF2:\\ 90:e2:ba:85:4e:2c\\ VLAN 502 (untagged)\\ Private\\ IF3:\\ 90:e2:ba:85:4e:2d\\ VLAN 503 (untagged)\\ Public| |pod5-wcp-node2|2xE5-2699|64GB|3TB|IF0:\\ 00:1E:67:4F:B7:C7\\ U/P: root/root|IF0:\\ 00:1e:67:4f:b7:c5\\ VLAN 984 (untagged)\\ DMZ IF1:\\ 00:1e:67:4f:b7:c6\\ VLAN 501 (untagged)\\ Admin| IF2:\\ 90:e2:ba:85:08:b8\\ VLAN 502 (untagged)\\ Private\\ IF3:\\ 90:e2:ba:85:08:b9\\ VLAN 503 (untagged)\\ Public| |pod5-wcp-node3|2xE5-2699|64GB|3TB|IF0:\\ 00:1E:67:e0:08:7g\\ U/P: root/root|IF0:\\ 00:1E:67:e0:08:7e\\ VLAN 984 (untagged)\\ DMZ IF1:\\ 00:1E:67:e0:08:7f\\ VLAN 501 (untagged)\\ Admin| IF2:\\ 90:e2:ba:84:07:0d\\ VLAN 502 (untagged)\\ Private\\ IF3:\\ 90:e2:ba:84:07:0e\\ VLAN 503 (untagged)\\ Public| |pod5-wcp-node4|2xE5-2699|64GB|3TB|IF0:\\ 00:1E:67:e0:08:b2\\ U/P: root/root|IF0:\\ 00:1E:67:e0:08:b0\\ VLAN 984 (untagged)\\ DMZ IF1:\\ 00:1E:67:e0:08:b1\\ VLAN 501 (untagged)\\ Admin| IF2:\\ 90:e2:ba:83:fd:80\\ VLAN 502 (untagged)\\ Private\\ IF3:\\ 90:e2:ba:83:fd:81\\ VLAN 503 (untagged)\\ Public| |pod5-wcp-node5|2xE5-2699|64GB|3TB|IF0:\\ 00:1E:67:e0:0a:4c\\ U/P: root/root|IF0:\\ 00:1E:67:e0:0a:4a\\ VLAN 984 (untagged)\\ DMZ IF1:\\ 00:1E:67:e0:0a:4b\\ VLAN 501 (untagged)\\ Admin| IF2:\\ 90:e2:ba:75:22:74\\ VLAN 502 (untagged)\\ Private\\ IF3:\\ 90:e2:ba:75:22:75\\ VLAN 503 (untagged)\\ Public| === VPN Users === ^Name ^Email ^Project ^Role ^Note ^ | Narinder Gupta | | JOID | Contributor | | | Jose Lausuch | | Functest | Contributor | | | Mofassir | | QTIP | Contributor | | | Vikram | | QTIP | Contributor | | | Tamas Tallodi | | Yardstick | Contributor | | | Morgan Richomme | | Functest | Contributor | | | Andras Babos | | Functest | Contributor | | === Firewall Rules === ^ Port(s) ^ Service ^ Note ^ | None | | | === JIRA Issues === ^Issue ^Summary ^Status ^Note ^ | None | | | | === Topology ===