====== Khaleesi Guide ====== ==== Overview ==== The purpose of this guide is to walk through necessary steps to install and run Khaleesi in order to control Foreman nodes and use Tempest. Khaleesi is an Ansible framework used to run [[https://openstack.redhat.com/Main_Page | RDO]] CI. It contains the necessary playbooks, roles, and libraries in order to control Foreman nodes and install/execute Tempest on a node. ----- ==== Prerequisites ==== You should have BMC control enabled in Foreman via IPMI. Khaleesi will issue a REST API call to the Foreman server to reboot your nodes. Please see the "Using Foreman to Control Hardware" section in the [[https://wiki.opnfv.org/foreman_guide |Foreman Guide]]. ==== Installation ==== Khaleesi can be installed on your provisioning server. First you need EPEL and some other packages: sudo rpm -i http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/7/x86_64/e/epel-release-7-5.noarch.rpm sudo yum -y install python-pip python-virtualenv gcc git \ python-keystoneclient python-novaclient \ python-glanceclient python-neutronclient \ python-keystoneclient sshpass Now clone Khaleesi where you like: git clone -b foreman https://github.com/trozet/khaleesi.git Khaleesi recommeds using a virtual environment provided by python-virtualenv. Follow these steps to setup your virtualenv: virtualenv khaleesi_venv source khaleesi_venv/bin/activate pip install ansible cd khaleesi/tools/ksgen python setup.py develop cd ../.. From the above you can see that ''source khaleesi_venv/bin/activate'' will activate your virtual environment. Simply use deactivate to exit. Now we need to create a default Ansible config: cat > ansible.cfg << EOF [defaults] host_key_checking = False roles_path = ./roles library = ./library:$VIRTUAL_ENV/share/ansible/ lookup_plugins = ./plugins/lookups EOF ==== Configuration ==== Khaleesi uses a ksgen_settings.yml file for directing Khaleesi's execution. It is a YAML file that contains variables and topology information. This file can either be edited manually or can be autogenerated using another project called [[https://github.com/redhat-openstack/khaleesi-settings | khaleesi-settings]]. For our purposes it is easier to just modify an existing ksgen_settings file. Please use this as a template: [[https://gist.github.com/trozet/c5bde608822d8e6b063a| ksgen_settings Intel example]]. The configuration make look like a lot at first, but you only need to modify two pieces: === Modify External Network === You will notice part of the config that looks like this: public_allocation_end: skip: files: null tests: null public_allocation_start: physnet: physnet1 use_custom_repo: false public_subnet_cidr: public_subnet_gateway: Simply modify these IP addresses and subnets to match your external Public network that will provide Neutron external network access. You can also just leave these alone and Tempest will still run while failing the external network test cases. === Modify Inventory === The second piece of the configuration you need to change is the nodes dictionary. This configuration provides your Host inventory to ansible: nodes: compute: name: oscompute11.ci.com hostname: oscompute11.ci.com type: compute ansible_ssh_pass: "Op3nStack" admin_password: "" groups: - compute - foreman_nodes - puppet - rdo - neutron tempest: name: tempest hostname: tempest1.ci.com remote_user: "" type: tempest ansible_ssh_pass: "Op3nStack" admin_password: "" groups: - tempest - foreman_nodes - puppet - rdo - neutron controller: name: oscontroller1.ci.com hostname: oscontroller1.ci.com type: controller ansible_ssh_pass: "Op3nStack" admin_password: "octopus" groups: - controller - foreman_nodes - puppet - rdo - neutron Simply replace the hostnames with the hostnames of your nodes in Foreman. The "ansible_ssh_pass" is the ssh password to your provisioned hosts, and admin_password is the password for admin within your OpenStack context. You also need to make sure that your provisioning server can access your your hosts via their FQDN. Therefore it is necessary to add them to /etc/hosts: [root@foreman-server /]# cat /etc/hosts tempest1.ci.com tempest1 oscontroller1.ci.com oscontroller1 oscompute11.ci.com oscompute11 Note: This is also a good time to mention that you should have tempest.pp applied to your tempest host group in Foreman. It contains a package required for Tempest to run. ==== Running Khaleesi ==== Now that you have Khaleesi installed and a configuration file, you are ready to rebuild your nodes. To run simply execute the following inside of your Khaleesi directory: ./run.sh --use ../ksgen_settings.yml playbooks/quickstack.yml --no-logs -vv The sequence of execution is as follows: - Issue a reboot and rebuild to Foreman nodes given in your configuration - Wait for Foreman to finish installing CentOS7 on your nodes - Wait for puppet to check in and OPNFV puppet to install OPNFV target system - Install and Configure the Tempest node - Execute Tempest ==== Checking Tempest Results ==== Assuming everything executed you will get a "nosetests.xml" file in your Khaleesi/playbooks directory. This contains all of your Tempest test case results. The first line will give you the overall execution summary, followed by individual results: FlavorsV3Test skipped as nova v3 api is not available As you can see from the above, a skipped or failed test case will contain that XML tag inside of the testcase tag. If a test case passed it will smiply show up as you see in the 3rd entry with no subtag.