====== Security Group 04/03/2015 ====== **Attendees:** * Luke Hinds (Nokia) - Chaired * Marcel Winandy (Huawei) * Mike Bursell (Intel) * please note, to be marked as attended, add your name to the meeting etherpad https://etherpad.opnfv.org/p/opnfv-sec-meetings **Agenda** * Agenda Bashing * Agree Last Minutes * Review Work Items * Vulnerbility Management - Luke * Gerrit Code Review - Juan * Project Lead / Members Elections * New channel #opnfv-security * Any other business **Minutes** * **Agreed agenda** * **Agreed last meetings minutes** * **Draft proposal for OPNFV Security Vulnerability Management** * https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Vulnerability_Management * We discussed the existing openstack VMC Security Committee Vulnerability process * We will have a similar process for OPNFV developed code * It is also important to have a known method to get security issues we find sent upstream-ed * Most of our “code” we generate is glue to script the installation, configuration, and testing of other upstream components <— what follows is that we won’t be creating very many binary artifacts that might have vulnerabilities * There may be some binary artifacts from code we create such as a vloop vm image or other vnf just for OPNFV project use * Scripts could introduce security issues (configurations) * ACTION: to consider how we will interact (tool wise) with upstrean groups (hinds) * expected time for fix should be added (Mike) * ACTION: Luke to continue to refine the OSVM and consider the points made about interactions and contingencies towards upstream projects * **Gerrit Code Review - Deferred to later meeting** * **Project Lead / Members Elections** * ACTION: Luke to draw up rough draft of a role / org structure for the security group * AGREED: Mike suggested that we defer elections of any sort to when more people attend * Having some type of senior members to insure quality contributions are accepted *** Change irc to opnfv-sec** * AGREED: we will use the new irc channel called #opnfv-sec * **Any other business** * etherpads available for each work item and can be used to reference materials relevant to the particular work item. can be found under each work items wiki page **Meeting Etherpads** * https://etherpad.opnfv.org/p/opnfv-sec-meetings # Agenda **Meetbot Log** * http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/opnfv-meeting/2015/opnfv-meeting.2015-03-04-13.55.html