Meeting summary (LukeHinds, 14:22:03) (LukeHinds, 14:22:18) ACTION: Sona to work on CVE wiki page and map them to the opnfv releases (juno, Lithium, etc) (LukeHinds, 14:37:53) (LukeHinds, 14:42:20) ACTION: Luke to update minutes to current date (LukeHinds, 14:51:03) Meeting ended at 14:51:12 UTC (full logs). Action items Sona to work on CVE wiki page and map them to the opnfv releases (juno, Lithium, etc) Luke to update minutes to current date Action items, by person Sona Sona to work on CVE wiki page and map them to the opnfv releases (juno, Lithium, etc) People present (lines said) LukeHinds (58) Sona (28) mwinandy (13) collabot (3)