====== Pharos "lab-as-a-Service (LaaS)" project ====== Community labs provide physical and virtual resources for project development and testing as well as production resources (along with the Linux Foundation lab). The number of OPNFV projects needing access to bare-metal resources are expected to increase as well as need more scaled and diverse deployment environments. This means that community lab resources will likely continue to be in heavy demand from approved projects and the OPNFV production pipe-line. The **OPNFV LaaS** project will use some form of Cloud environment to provide individual developers with an easy way of getting started ... i.e. to "try-out" an OPNFV deployment and begin to develop and test features with minimal overhead or knowledge about configuring and deploying an OPNFV instance. //Pharos community is collecting requirements for this project ... please add your edits/comment to this Wiki page or use the mailing list ...// **opnfv-tech-discuss@lists.opnfv.org** with **[pharos]** included in the subject line. **Requirements for OPNFV LaaS include ...** * Automated reservation and access (i.e. does not depend on emails and providing credentials manually) * See what resources are booked and what are free * Admin dash-board * Usage statistics (including who accessed and how long) * Control access manually if needed * On-line documentation (overview, get started, searchable help, FAQ, etc.) * OPNFV "hello world" application activated with a button or simple command * Graphical user interface * Compute storage and network configuration of the virtual configured environment * Easy for user to recreate default setup * ???