ARMband Milestone D Report 1. If you have code are features frozen? * na 2. If you have api/s, files or other interfaces that other projects rely on to integrate with your project are they frozen? * na 3. Are your test specifications frozen and provided to test projects? No additional use cases can be added to the release after this milestone (ie. feature projects have added the test cases for their project to the test team suite) * na 4. If you require post-install processing have you consulted with CI (Octopus), CD (Releng), and/or companion test projects (functest, yardstick, etc) regarding scripts you may need to provide such as for install, set-env, run-test, clean-env? * While we have the basic CI pipeline set up (see [[|OCTO-136]]), we may have some details to address with the CI folks. 5. If you have no code(e.g. documentation projects) - drafts of all deliverables exist and are ready for first review? * na 6. List/describe your progress to date? * [[|ARMBAND-1]] - This epic is the creation of an OPNFV-compliant infrastructure based on ARM hardware (shorthand is an ARM-based Pharos Lab) * Status: There is a Pharos Compliant lab at Enea in Kista, Sweden with: * Public access (openvpn/firewall) * Jump Server (x86-based) * Switches (for 10G nets and 1G nets) * Two Cavium ThunderX servers installed * Three Applied Micro ARM-based servers to be delivered in 1-2 weeks. * Currently: this supports a non-HA, controller/compute pod * Soon: will support an HA 3-controller/2-compute pod * [[|ARMBAND-5]] - This epic is the deployment of Openstack in this lab environment * Preference: we prefer to run Ubuntu 14.04 for now due to availability/maturity of this release vs. Centos7 on ARMv8 servers * Status: We have deployed Openstack Juno on ARMv8 servers with Ubuntu on controller and Yocto Project on compute nodes. We have also deployed Openstack Kilo on ARMv8 servers with Yocto Project on compute nodes. * Status: We have //not yet// deployed Openstack on ARMv8 servers within the Pharos Lab using an installer (such as Fuel). * [[|ARMBAND-7]] - This epic is the deployment of ODL in this lab environment * Status: We have deployed Open Daylight on an ARMv8 server. * Status: We have //not yet// deployed Open Daylight in the Pharos Lab using an installer * [[|ARMBAND-9]] - This epic is the integration of Openstack and ODL in this lab environment * Status: we have deployed Openstack and ODL, integrated on an ARMv8 controller/compute environment. * Status: We have not yet deployed these on the Pharos Lab using an installer * [[|ARMBAND-11]] - This epic is using Fuel for installing OPNFV in this lab environment * Status: We are running Fuel on a VM on the Pharos Lab jump server * Status: We are currently working with the Arno SR1 release to have a well-known first step with an expected working package. * Gap: The DHCP service associated with the Fuel server will PXE-boot newly discovered servers with a bootstrap image that assists in the discovery/inventory process, telling Fuel details about each newly discovered server after the server boots the bootstrap. This bootstrap is an x86_64 (amd64) image based on Centos6.5 that is bundled with the Fuel installation. Because we prefer Ubuntu 14.04, we need to build an arm64 bootstrap image based on Ubuntu 14.04. Support for an Ubuntu bootstrap appears gradually in later releases of Fuel (7, 8, and 9), but is very sparse/non-existent in the Fuel 6.1 release that’s used in Arno SR1. * Status: We have produced a workflow and tooling to create an Ubuntu-based bootstrap image, first for amd64 (x86_64) to make sure that it works correctly, and then for arm64. * Status: We have booted up to three Cavium servers in our Fuel environment within the Pharos Lab and seen them discovered and catalogued properly by Fuel and added to the list of unallocated nodes. Inventory alerts and the “add node” panes show 48 cores and the correct amount of memory and HDD. * Gap: The Fuel server constructs an image for both the Controller and the Compute nodes to which it will deploy. This is currently done for x86. We will do the same for arm64. * Status: Starting this on Dec. 1. * Status: we have started pulling down fuel and other parts from the Brahmaputra git repos in preparation for jumping forward past the Arno SR1 capability. * [[|ARMBAND-14]] - This epic is running Functest in this lab environment * Status: We are running parts of Functest against a non-Pharos arm64-based environment. * Gap: The cirros image that is typically used is an x86-based Linux image. We are investigating whether to create an arm64-based image based on the cirros project or create a similarly capable image based on the Yocto Project. * Status: we have a Yocto Project based image that we can use (not quite as small as cirros). We are investigating best way to select this image. * Status: We are testing Functest against an x86-based OPNFV cluster that is provisioned by Fuel on VMs running on our jump server. * [[|ARMBAND-17]] - This epic is setting up Jenkins for CI build * Status: waiting for Pharos Lab to be functional. It is not anticipated to be very difficult. * [[|ARMBAND-20]] - This epic is about gaps and collaborative development with upstream communities * Status: there is not much status to report on here, other than informal conversations with ODP community. 7. Describe what you have remaining to do? (hint: You should only have completion of existing features and bug fixes to do. For test projects you will be developing remaining tests according to frozen specifications.) * [[|ARMBAND-11]] - // Fuel Integration/Porting // - finalize the workflow/formula for constructing an arm64-based fuel bootstrap image * Upstream that work - Develop/Port the construction of the target (controller/compute) images that are prepared by Fuel for arm64. * Upstream that work - Develop/Port the Openstack configuration phase that occurs after the target images are booted on the targets (controller/compute). * Upstream that work * [[|ARMBAND-14]] - // Functest Integration // - Get Functest to run against the arm64-based controller(s) and compute(s). * Upstream any changes - Get Yardstick tests to run against the arm64-based setup. * Upstream any changes * [[|ARMBAND-17]] // Jenkins CI Integration // - Hook up Jenkins for CI. 8. How confident are you that you will be complete for Milestone E/code freeze on Jan 5? * Yellow -> Red * We were hoping to have the lab functional in a non-HA configuration by mid-late November, but the bootstap creation was un-anticipated. This work took about 2.5 weeks to complete, with some cleanup/upstream work on the backend to be performed. * Note that a significant portion of this work was related to re-creating the bootstrap image for Ubuntu, regardless of amd64/arm64 architecture. * We have a concern about how long the next step of Fuel preparation of target images will take on calendar. * We have concerns about integrating the remaining servers in the lab to enable an HA config. The HA config is the one large functionality block that we have not validated on arm64 previously (have run Openstack, KVM, OVS, and ODL, installed manually). 9. List any serious or blocking issues that are impeding progress on your project: * For the larger scope of Brahmaputra on ARM: Availability of the lab for other projects to validate on arm64.