Qtip Milestone E report 1. Has your test framework been executed against a deployed OPNFV platform? Yes: Tested against Fuel. (Was earlier tested against Foreman) Would be testing on Apex, Compass and JOID in the coming week 2. Has your deploy tool been executed in more than one Pharos lab? No: Only tested in the Dell OPNFV lab. Would be testing it out in other labs during the course of the coming week. 3. Have your test framework and test cases been run against more than one deployment tool? No. Only tested against Fuel as of yet. 4. Do you have all target Brahmaputra test cases available in your test suites? Yes. 5. Is your test framework able to be repeated on the same infrastructure at least 4 consecutive times without failures? Does it meet the agreed upon criteria of "stable"? Yes. 6. Have all known test issues (Jira tickets against your project) been documented and that documentation either integrated into the release or made available on a public page and pointed to through documents that are integrated into the release? Test issues are being documented as part of the QTIP documentation. In case there are issues that arise later, they would be listed on the wiki page. 7. Are all known issues (Jira Tickets) prioritized by severity of impact (critical, high, medium, low) to users? Yes. 8. Do all known critical Jira Tickets have a workaround in place? Most Critical Jira Tickets till date have been resolved. Cirtical Jira Tickets may pop up in the coming days when testing with other installers such as Apex. 9. Do all non-critical Jira Tickets have a planned disposition in place (ie. deferred-fix in later release or closed- won't fix)? Yes. Deferred-fix in later release (such as integration with vswitchperf ) 10. Is your documentation complete and checked in? If not, how do you plan to deliver it independent of the release? Documentation has been started. Initial templates submitted. Would be working on it till mid January.