Table of Contents

OPNFV Open vSwitch community page

Rather than establish a project for individual projects, the OPNFV community has agreed to work on establishing focus community groups where we will describe community engagement practices, identify community leaders, manage our contributions toward those communities and generally get ourselves organised well enough to be a benefit, rather than a burden, to our source communities.

In general, we would like to have a consistent process for feature requests across OPNFV projects. Since the bar in terms of structure and information seems to be highest for OpenStack, we will align feature request documentation on the OpenStack blueprint process. The process is defined for requirements projects.

However, in the case of Open vSwitch specifically, because there were a number of features which were eagerly requested by members, feature improvements for Open vSwitch are being tracked in the ovs-nfv project.

To facilitate the work of developers submitting features to Open vSwitch, we have instituted a process for requirements projects which consists of the following:

  1. Projects first create an OPNFV requirement document in Markdown in the project repository: repository/requirements/reference_document.rst - this document should describe the goal at a high level for OPNFV consumers
  2. A requirement will result in one or more features for which a design should be drafted in repository/design_docs/reference_document.rst
  3. These files should be proposed for review in OPNFV's Gerrit
  4. After a successful community sanity check, verifying that the docs have sufficient implementation details, they should be proposed to the discuss mailing list if they are just a descriptive document or the dev mailing list if they are an RFC code contribution or docs contribution.
  5. Community comments are to be expected and multiple revisions may be required upstream before a direction has been agreed.


All collaboration with the Open vSwitch community takes place via Open vSwitch mailing lists and the Open vSwitch IRC channel:

IRC: #openvswitch on

Code repository


Open vSwitch is primarily licensed under the Apache 2 license.

Feature Submission

Open vSwitch Roles

Open vSwitch Releases

Open vSwitch planning process

Open vSwitch has a lightweight governance process for proposing and accepting new features.

OpenDaylight in-flight Open vSwitch features