Copper sandbox ("Academy")

This is an effort to setup a basic functional assessment platform (a learning "academy") based upon OPNFV, installed as a single node (e.g. a laptop with lots of memory) or multi-node environment. This will provide a means to learn, analyze, and further develop:

Multi-Node Apex-based install on 3 bare metal nodes (non-HA)

This is a work in progress. The target system is as described for JOID below.

See Apex install procedure for the basic install.

Multi-Node JOID-based install on 3 bare metal nodes (non-HA)

As shown in the diagram below, an internet connection is assumed to be available. In some cases (e.g. hackfests etc) you may need to connect thru a wifi network. Because it may not be obvious how to do this with a fixed configuration, see getting your POD connected to the internet via wifi.

See Joid install procedure for the basic install, and additional notes.

See Congress install procedure for installation of OpenStack Congress in an LXC container on the JOID-based controller node.

See Congress test procedures for notes on testing Congress.

The hardware used in this includes:

(Link to Powerpoint source of the diagram above)

Multi-Node Foreman-based install on 3 bare metal nodes (non-HA)

See Foreman install procedure, install verification procedure, and additional notes.

The hardware used in this includes:

(Link to Powerpoint source of the diagram above)

Earlier efforts to build Academy

For the record, you can review the (mostly failed) earlier attempts