Ericsson is hosting a commonly world wide available server cluster for the OPNFV bootstrap/get started project.

The server cluster contains:

Below you'll find an overview of the hosting set-up:

Figure 1: Ericsson OPNFV hosting environment overview

This environment is free to use by any OPNFV contributor or commiter for the purpose of OPNFV approved activities. Access to this environment can be granted by sending a e-mail to:

subject: opnfv_ericsson_access.

Following information should be provided in the request:

Granting access normally takes 2-3 business days.

Detailed access descriptions will be provided with your access grant e-mail, an excerpt version can be found here (

Detailed network environment descriptions can be found here (

WOW and code of conduct can be found here (NOT YET IN PLACE, DON'T EXPECT ANYTHING LIMITING OR UNUSUAL)

Questions and Answers can be found here (