Minutes of IPv6 Project Meeting on September 04, 2015

Work in progress. B Release PM asks to use JIRA issues to track tasks and dependencies. We have used JIRA to track our IPv6 issues. B Release PM will have clearer clarification / requirement of what is expected in JIRA. We will adjust accordingly to meet B Release criteria.

Bin has created wiki to share the experience of installing Arno on a single laptop. It is expected that everyone can share own experience there and help trouble-shooting. This issue IPVSIX-11 is closed.

Sridhar raised 2 questions:
- Whether Service VM IPv6 vRouter is for IPv6 only or it is also for IPv4 (dual-stack)?
- Because currently ODL does not support IPv6 Router (i.e., like Neutron OVS ML2 implementation which uses RADVD inside a namespace), we need to modify the diagram to use an external IPv6 Router directly.

Because our PoC scope is to use one Service VM as IPv6 vRouter to serve other VMs (tenants), when all of those VMs have both IPv4 and IPv6 capability, dual-stack is supported. Iben is very confident that dual-stack can be supported in the Service VM as vRouter in Spirent's VCTL. And the IPv4-IPv6 conversion is not applicable in our scenario.

However, considering the setup in other community labs, and the VNFs (applications) which may need IPv4-IPv6 conversion, all agreed that our design of ServiceVM IPv6 vRouter is only for IPv6. But our PoC deployment in VCTL will be dual-stack.

The actions regarding IPv6 v.s. Dual-Stack are:
- To-do: Sridhar adds how IPv4 routing happens for VMs (Tenant B) in the diagram
- To-do: Sridhar reviews the setup instructions, and see if any change is needed to support dual-stack Service VM vRouter.

Sridhar and Meenakshi have been trying OpenStack+ODL integration and experimented this PoC. Next Step is to use a standard ODL Lithium SR1. The actions regarding IPv6 on OS+ODL are:
- To-do: Sridhar modifies diagram to use external IPv6 router for this setup
- To-do: Iben creates Spirent VCTLab accounts for Sridhar, Meenakshi, and Prakash
- To-do: Sridhar and Meenakshi set up Lithium SR1 integration
- To-do: Sridhar and Meenakshi continue ODL gap analysis based on this setup.

Dependent on the OS+ODL setup. See above.

Sridhar experimented it and it is working. He encourages everyone to try it.

Prakash volunteered to take the lead working on test plan, test design, test case and test tool. Prakash will take the lead and work on it as priority.

This is the umbrella task that covers all other detailed tasks.

On hold unitl PoC is working and deployed in VCTL

Work in progress. Iben has the action to create account for everyone.

Put on hold until everything is done. Then we consider ISO.


Meeting adjourned.