AGREED: agenda / minutes (LukeHinds, 14:09:18)

workitems - secure coding (LukeHinds, 14:09:26) (LukeHinds, 14:09:44) (LukeHinds, 14:13:33)

ACTION: seven pernicious kingdoms should be added (LukeHinds, 14:15:14)

osvm progress (LukeHinds, 14:15:30)

etsi sec interwork (LukeHinds, 14:26:10)

ACTION: Luke and Ashutosh to work on wiki page with problem statements mapped to opnfv work items / projects (LukeHinds, 14:26:36)

inspector (LukeHinds, 14:27:30) (aripie, 14:27:36)

ACTION: see if we can reach out to others security vendors to get involved (LukeHinds, 14:40:46)

INFO: Marcel asked if moon, could also look towards the framework, such as hypervisor security. (LukeHinds, 14:42:46)

any other business (LukeHinds, 14:47:21)

Meeting ended at 14:52:37 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  Seven pernicious kingdoms suggested by Marcel for secure coding
  Luke and Ashutosh to work on wiki page with problem statements mapped to opnfv work items / projects
  see if we can reach out to others security vendors to get involved
  Luke talk with marketing about attracting more security folk to the project (especially vendors)