Table of Contents


Project description:

This project aims to find system bottlenecks by testing and verifying OPNFV infrastructure in a staging environment before committing it to a production environment. Instead of debugging a deployment in production environment, an automatic method for executing benchmarks which plans to validate the deployment during staging is adopted.

This project will provide a framework to find the bottlenecks of OPNFV infrastructure. The framework has four components,Workload generator and VNFs (WV), Monitor and Analysis (MA), Deployment and Configuration (DC), Automated Staging (AS), as shown below.


The framework of bottlenecks project is focusing on bottlenecks of OPNFV infrastructure in terms of hardware and software. Bottlenecks can be divided into two categories coarse-grained bottlenecks and fine-grained bottlenecks.

  1. Release candidates A,B… provides a foundation to be tested of Infrastructure layer
  2. A workload generator generates workloads which go through VNFs. This workload generator will be scalable and may cover multiply workload models for different scenarios
  3. Monitor and analysis units will monitor the infrastructure and VNFs status and present results after analysis
  1. Document and codes to describe how to generate experimental specification according to different service level agreement (SLA)
  2. Document to describe how to find some typical bottlenecks according to specific monitoring
  1. Different hardware resource adopted to produce test data used for bottleneck analysis
  2. Different parameters adopted in software configuration files to produce test data used for bottleneck analysis
  1. Achieve full automation in system deployment, evaluation, and evolution, by creating code generation tools to link the different steps of deployment, evaluation, reconfiguration, and redesign in full lifecycle.
  2. Reassignment and reconfiguration of hardware resources
  3. Reassignment and reconfiguration of software resource







Committers and Contributors:

Project Leader



Planned Deliverables:

Proposed Release Schedule:

Key Project Facts

Project Name: Bottlenecks
Repo name: bottlenecks
Project Category: Integration & Testing
Lifecycle State: Proposal
Primary Contact:
Project Lead:
Jira Project Name: bottlenecks
Jira Project Prefix: BOTTLENECKS
Mailing List Tag: [bottlenecks]
Hongbo Tian (Huawei):
Jun Li(Huawei):
Rui Luo(Huawei):
Hao Pang(huawei)
Manuel Rebellon(sandvine)
To be continued

Link to TSC approval: N/A
Link to approval of additional submitters: N/A