Yardstick Milestone D Report

1 If you have code are features frozen? (N) Yardstick code development must continue, to support the test specifications in point 3, which are frozen by Dec 1st
2 If you have api/s, files or other interfaces that other projects rely on to integrate with your project are they frozen? (N) Other projects will use Yardstick framework to execute test cases. The framework code is not frozen
3 Are your test specifications frozen and provided to test projects? No additional use cases can be added to the release after this milestone (ie. feature projects have added the test cases for their project to the test team suite) (Y) However, there is remaining work to detail the test specifications
4 If you require post-install processing have you consulted with CI (Octopus), CD (Releng), and/or companion test projects (functest, yardstick, etc) regarding scripts you may need to provide such as for install, set-env, run-test, clean-env? (Y)
5 If you have no code(e.g. documentation projects) - drafts of all deliverables exist and are ready for first review? (NA)
6 List/describe your progress to date? Deploy Yardstick in 5 community labs, start executing test cases, implement test result API in framework, evolve Yardstick framework architecture and develop Yardstick framework to cater for companion projects, more details in Jira.
7 Describe what you have remaining to do? (hint: You should only have completion of existing features and bug fixes to do. For test projects you will be developing remaining tests according to frozen specifications.) Develop framework code to cater for all the test specifications; Set up all labs required for the tests and release, enable tests; Collect, verify and visualize test results; Documentation; Bug fixes
8 How confident are you that you will be complete for Milestone E/code freeze on Jan 5? Green/Yellow/RedYellow2Red - Not all test cases, including Yardstick own test cases, will be ready by Jan 5th.
9 List any serious or blocking issues that are impeding progress on your project As mentioned in milestone C, need a decision (and freeze it) which labs will be used for release verification; Christmas holidays will slow things down before next milestone