IETF Summary Draft: vSwitch Performance Characterization

In order to communicate about this project in related standards development organizations, the project team has agreed to summarize the direction of our LTD spec in an Internet Draft, and contribute that draft to the IETF Benchmarking Methodology Working Group, or BMWG. The BMWG was re-chartered in 2014 to include benchmarking for Virtualized Network Functions (VNF) and their Infrastructure, so this appears to be welcome input.

BMWG is one of the longest-running working groups in IETF. Many of the RFCs referenced in the LTD originated in the BMWG, including foundation RFC 1242 and RFC 2544. OPNFV may benefit from additional review of the IETF Benchmarking community, and this Internet Draft affords that opportunity.

The current volunteer members from the vsperf project are:
Maryam Tahhan
Billy O'Mahony
Al Morton

The current authors have agreed to prepare the draft using one of the IETF memo preparation tools, XML2RFC.

The initial "00" version of the draft was submitted July 3, 2015 for IETF-93 in Prague.
The current "01" version was submitted October 16, 2015 for IETF-94 in Yokohama.