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copper:academy:foreman:verify [2015/09/29 23:17]
Bryan Sullivan created
copper:academy:foreman:verify [2015/11/17 14:57] (current)
Bryan Sullivan
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 ===== Scenario: Two VMs connected to public network via private network. ===== ===== Scenario: Two VMs connected to public network via private network. =====
-Links:+This is a basic verification scenario. It will eventually include three methods for verification:​ 
 +  * Horizon 
 +  * OpenStack CLI API 
 +  * OpenStack ReSTful API 
 +In some cases a combination of these is necessary as noted below. 
 +Reference ​Links:
   * https://​​ronen/​entry/​diving_into_openstack_network_architecture3   * https://​​ronen/​entry/​diving_into_openstack_network_architecture3
   * http://​​user-guide/​dashboard_create_networks.html   * http://​​user-guide/​dashboard_create_networks.html
 +  * [[https://​​copper/​academy/​foreman|Bare-metal Multi-node single-NIC install using Foreman]]
 +==== Verification Procedure =====
-==== Prerequisite ====+1) On your test driver node browse to, and verify that these services are active: 
 +  * the Foreman UI at https://​ (login: admin/​octopus) 
 +  * the Horizon UI at http://​ (login: admin/​octopus) 
 +  * the DLUX UI at http://​​8181/​dlux/​index.html (login: admin/​admin)
-  * [[https://​​copper/​copper_work_items/​academy/​foreman|Bare-metal Multi-node single-NIC install using Foreman]] +2) On controller, setup CLI environment for access to OpenStack APIs 
-  *  ​On controller, setup CLI environment for access to OpenStack APIs +  * http://​​user-guide/​common/​cli_set_environment_variables_using_openstack_rc.html 
-    * http://​​user-guide/​common/​cli_set_environment_variables_using_openstack_rc.html +  * Horizon: select Project / Access & Security / Download OpenStack RC File 
-    * Horizon: select Project / Access & Security / Download OpenStack RC File+  * open the file and copy the contents to the clipboard 
 +  * SSH to the controller (root/​Op3nStack) and create the API access resource file
 <​code>​ <​code>​
 [root@oscontroller1 ~]# vi [root@oscontroller1 ~]# vi
Line 17: Line 31:
 </​code>​ </​code>​
- +2) Create image cirros-0.3.3-x86_64
-==== Verification Procedure ===== +
- +
-1) Create image cirros-0.3.3-x86_64+
   * Horizon: From Project / Compute / Images, select "​Create Image"​. Set options Name "​cirros-0.3.3-x86_64",​ Image Location "​http://​​0.3.3/​cirros-0.3.3-x86_64-disk.img",​ Format "​QCOW2",​ Architecture "​x86_64",​ (leave other options as-is or blank), and select "​Create Image"​.   * Horizon: From Project / Compute / Images, select "​Create Image"​. Set options Name "​cirros-0.3.3-x86_64",​ Image Location "​http://​​0.3.3/​cirros-0.3.3-x86_64-disk.img",​ Format "​QCOW2",​ Architecture "​x86_64",​ (leave other options as-is or blank), and select "​Create Image"​.
   * CLI:   * CLI:
-2) Verify that an external network and subnet exists (subnet "​​24",​ no DHCP) in Project / Network / Networks. For base-metal single-NIC non-HA install, you may need to create the external network via the CLI, if not already created as in [[https://​​copper/​copper_work_items/​academy/​foreman|Bare-metal Multi-node single-NIC install using Foreman]].+3) Verify that an external network and subnet exists (subnet "​​24",​ no DHCP) in Project / Network / Networks. For base-metal single-NIC non-HA install, you may need to create the external network via the CLI, if not already created as in [[https://​​copper/​copper_work_items/​academy/​foreman|Bare-metal Multi-node single-NIC install using Foreman]].
   * Horizon: apparently no current (Juno) option to designate a new network as "​external"​. Have to do this via the CLI   * Horizon: apparently no current (Juno) option to designate a new network as "​external"​. Have to do this via the CLI
   * CLI:   * CLI:
Line 66: Line 77:
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-3) Create internal network.+4) Create internal network.
   * Horizon: From Project / Network / Networks, select "​Create Network"​. Set options Name "​internal1",​ select "​Next",​ Subnet Name "​internal1",​ Network Address "​​24",​ select "​Next"​ (leave other options as-is or blank), Allocation Pools "​,​",​ DNS Name Servers "​",​ select "​Create"​ (leave other options as-is or blank).   * Horizon: From Project / Network / Networks, select "​Create Network"​. Set options Name "​internal1",​ select "​Next",​ Subnet Name "​internal1",​ Network Address "​​24",​ select "​Next"​ (leave other options as-is or blank), Allocation Pools "​,​",​ DNS Name Servers "​",​ select "​Create"​ (leave other options as-is or blank).
   * CLI:   * CLI:
-4) Create router+5) Create router
   * Horizon: From Project / Network / Routers, select "​Create Router"​. Set options Name "​external",​ Connected External Network: external1, Select "Set Gateway",​ select External Network "​external1",​ and select "Set Gateway"​. Select elect "Add Interface"​ (leave other options as-is or blank).   * Horizon: From Project / Network / Routers, select "​Create Router"​. Set options Name "​external",​ Connected External Network: external1, Select "Set Gateway",​ select External Network "​external1",​ and select "Set Gateway"​. Select elect "Add Interface"​ (leave other options as-is or blank).
   * CLI:   * CLI:
-5) Add internal network interface to the router.+6) Add internal network interface to the router.
   * Horizon: From Project / Network / Routers, select router "​external",​ and select "Add Interface"​. Select Subnet "​internal",​ and select "Add Interface"​ (leave other options as-is or blank). Note: you may get disconnected fromt the Controller node for a short time    * Horizon: From Project / Network / Routers, select router "​external",​ and select "Add Interface"​. Select Subnet "​internal",​ and select "Add Interface"​ (leave other options as-is or blank). Note: you may get disconnected fromt the Controller node for a short time 
   * CLI:   * CLI:
-6) Launch images+7) Launch images
   * Horizon: From Project / Compute / Images, select "​Launch"​ for image "​cirros-0.3.3-x86_64"​. Select Name "​cirros-1",​ network "​internal",​ and "​Launch"​. Leave other options as-is or blank. Repeat for instance "​cirros-2"​.   * Horizon: From Project / Compute / Images, select "​Launch"​ for image "​cirros-0.3.3-x86_64"​. Select Name "​cirros-1",​ network "​internal",​ and "​Launch"​. Leave other options as-is or blank. Repeat for instance "​cirros-2"​.
   * CLI:   * CLI:
-7) Verify connectivity from VMs. +8) Verify connectivity from VMs. 
   * Horizon: From Project / Compute / Instances, select "​cirros-1"​ and "​Console",​ and login with account "​cirros"​ / "​cubswin:​)"​. Ping address of cirros-2 as shown in Horizon, (external router), and (to validate DNS operation).   * Horizon: From Project / Compute / Instances, select "​cirros-1"​ and "​Console",​ and login with account "​cirros"​ / "​cubswin:​)"​. Ping address of cirros-2 as shown in Horizon, (external router), and (to validate DNS operation).
copper/academy/foreman/verify.1443568646.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/29 23:17 by Bryan Sullivan