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Functest within a Docker

This is the unofficial procedure to run Functest within a docker.


  • Install Docker on the server you want the tests from (example for Ubuntu):
$ curl -sSL | sh



  • Add your user to docker group to be able to run commands without sudo:
$ sudo usermod -aG docker <your_user>

Manual procedure

  • Pull the Functest Docker image from the hub:
$ docker pull opnfv/functest

  • Check that the image is available:
$ docker images

  • Run the docker container giving the environment variables
    • INSTALLER_TYPE. Possible values are "fuel" or "foreman".
    • INSTALLER_IP. Usually "" for fuel and "" foreman.
$ docker run -ti -e "INSTALLER_TYPE=fuel" -e "INSTALLER_IP=" opnfv/functest

Now, you are inside the docker container.

  • Run the script to install functest environment and start the tests.
$ {repos_dir}/functest/docker/

NOTE: This will run ALL the tests we have for SR1:

  • vPing test case
  • ODL suite
  • Rally benchmark (this will take long) ←– need to change something to run only 1 set of tests and not all (see * below)
  • Tempest

* In order to run only 1 suite of Rally bench, you need to modify the call to rally within script:

$ vi {repos_dir}/functest/docker/
(go to line 126)
python ${FUNCTEST_REPO_DIR}/testcases/VIM/OpenStack/CI/libraries/ --debug ${FUNCTEST_REPO_DIR}/ all
Change "all" to "keystone" for example:
python ${FUNCTEST_REPO_DIR}/testcases/VIM/OpenStack/CI/libraries/ --debug ${FUNCTEST_REPO_DIR}/ glance
Other options are:
- ['authenticate', 'glance', 'cinder', 'heat', 'keystone', 'neutron', 'nova', 'quotas', 'requests', 'vm', 'tempest', 'all', 'smoke']

Automated procedure

# Remove any docker containers leftovers
$ docker ps | grep opnfv/functest | awk '{print $1}' | xargs docker stop &>/dev/null
$ docker ps -a | grep opnfv/functest | awk '{print $1}' | xargs docker rm &>/dev/null
$ docker images | grep opnfv/functest | awk '{print $3}' | xargs docker rmi &>/dev/null

# Pull and store fresh image from Dockerhub
$ docker pull opnfv/functest

# Run Functest (example for Fuel)
$ docker run -t -e "INSTALLER_TYPE=fuel" -e "INSTALLER_IP=" opnfv/functest \

NOTE: the output will be shown on the screen until you press ^C. To attach to the docker output again type:

$ docker ps
$ docker attach <ID_of_the_container>
functest_docker.1444213271.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/10/07 10:21 by Jose Lausuch