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This is the WIKI-page for the Fuel@OPNFV work stream which intend to integrate the OPNFV Release 1 features with the Fuel stack installer/deployer. This work-stream is part of the "OPNFV/Boot-strap Get Started" (OPNFV/BGS) project The intended end release DoD can be found here: system end-state produced


  • Deliver a working installer for the OPNFV R1 (and the further long-livitey, maintenance, upgrade,…of the Fuel installer). The Feature-, and charachteristics targets are of course guided by [OPNFV] [BGS] and [OPNFC] [TSC], but in practice the best of the participant's hands, and capabilities of the base-line and community efforts (as with any open-source project), will define the output feature-set and characteristics of the the project.
  • result base-line is in practice gated by the resources participating in the project, requests for specific baselines must of course submit input, code, test stimulis,etc. Nothing will happen without active contribution.
  • Provide a fully automated build process for Fuel@OPNFV integrated with the upstream projects
  • Provide means for automated deployment of Fuel@OPNFV
  • As a fore-runner - Integrate all of the above with the OPNFV R1 CI pipeline in a implementation neutral way such that it can be a template for other installer implementations.
  • Establish a long-livety project for Fuel@OPNFV

Substream work areas:

Fuel@OPNFV community participants

  • Jonas Bjurel ( - Committer - Organizer
  • Stefan Berg ( - Committer - Organizer
  • Daniel Smith ( - Contributor
  • Juan Osorio-Robles ( - Contributor
  • Fatih Degirmenci ( - Contributor
  • Gábor Balogh ( - Contributor
  • Przemysław Grygiel ( - Contributor
  • Piotr Siwczak ( - Contributor
  • Robert Raszuk ( - Contributor

More hands on this work-stream are more than welcome

Fuel@OPNFV forums and meetings

Mailing list receiver:; subject: [bgs][fuel]"topic"

Upstream project dependencies

How to participate and help-out

Participation request - Throw out your interest your interest request to; subject: [bgs][fuel]"topic" How to Hack, slice and dice Fuel@OPNFV - TBW GIT best practices in OPNFV - TBW

Fuel@OPNFV Howto and FAQ

get_started/fuel_status.1426673483.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/03/18 10:11 by Szilard Cserey