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Draft Release Plan for Project Bootstrap/Get-Started!

Deliverables as part of OPNFV release #1

  • Order and install hardware PODs for merge/integrate and test a BGS-defined setup
  • "Base install" of OpenStack with HA to bare metal PODs - using off-the-shelf OpenStack installers
  • "OPNFV installation": installation and configuration of OpenDaylight controller on top of the base installation
  • Selection of Tempest / Robot scenario tests to prove BGS platform is operational; includes running of a set of simple VNFs.
  • Automation of deployment and test: Integration with CI-pipeline (deployment and test as Jenkins jobs).

Arno release readiness - Status summary

Status as of April/20/2015:

Task Fuel deployment approach Foreman deployment approach
Bootable ISO disk image for Jumphost installation available yes yes
Bootable ISO disk image for Jumphost installation tested by 3rd-party
LF Hardware available and fully configured (POD1 and POD2)
Manual deploy to some lab fully functional yes (Ericsson lab) yes (Intel lab)
Manual deploy to LF Hardware fully functional
Automated deploy (Jenkins triggered) to LF Hardware fully functional
Release notes document available in repo yes - 1st draft 1st draft in gerrit
User/installation guide available in repo yes - 1st draft
License information on components used 1st draft in gerrit

Status as of April/20/2015:

Non-BGS tasks, but related:

Task Fuel deployment approach Foreman deployment approach
Robot framework operational on Jumphosts of POD1 and POD2
Rally/Tempest operational on Jumphosts of POD1 and POD2
Automated testing (Jenkins triggered) of deployments

BGS contributions to RC schedule for Arno

Mar/26 - System state defined
Task Deliverable details Status (per Apr/2/2015)
Target system state fully defined and frozen Target System State agreed on Apr/1 green
Common components (puppet manifests) for "OPNFV-INSTALLATION and MAINTENANCE" phase available in "common" directory Several contributions still in Gerrit review yellow
Apr/2 (RC0) - Release image readiness
Task Deliverable details Status (per Apr/2/2015)
Code complete (common components frozen, all functionality in place - "OPNFV-INSTALLATION and MAINTENANCE" phase) * Common Puppet manifests available in genesis repo
* Changes for HA in Gerrit review:
240, 242, 245, 246
Scripts for automatic build of a bootable disk ISO image Foreman approach:
* Build scripts available in genesis repo: Foreman build
Log of successful build on Apr/2
build metadata
foreman ISO image
Fuel approach:
* Build scripts available in genesis repo: Fuel build
Log of successful build on Apr/2
build metadata
Fuel ISO
Apr/9 (RC1) - Arno deploy run #1
Task Deliverable details Status
Automatic build and install on LF hardware PODs Status on Apr/9:
* Issues which were pending from RC0 resolved (HA deployment, Ceph deployment)
* Because LF hardware not yet available to project teams, "deploy to LF HW" pending
* Fuel and Foreman deployment approaches both have build scripts available (non operational yet)
yellow to red
Tempest and Robot test frameworks available on LF hardware
Apr/16 (RC2) - Arno deploy run #2
Task Deliverable details Status
Automatic testing on LF hardware fully functional (FuncTest supplied tests; test infra (tempest, robot) setup independently from installer)
Apr/21 - Arno release artifact creation
Task Deliverable details Status
final release cut
Apr/22 - Release artifact validation
Task Deliverable details Status
Bootable disk image(s) (ISO) available
Documentation (user guide) available
Documentation (test scenarios that release complies with) available (FuncTest supplied
Documentation (hardware guide - Pharos supplied) available (Pharos supplied)

Apr/23 - Arno Release

Official release

Draft project plan

Milestone Date Deliverable
M1 02/15/2015 Hardware ordered, BGS components chosen
M2 02/28/2015 Base installer completed (Foreman/Quickstack and Fuel approach)
automated ODL - O/S installation (both approaches)
M3 03/15/2015 Installation to OPNFV hardware, integration with CI/Jenkins
M4 03/31/2015 Tempest / Robot scenario tests available and automatically triggered by CI/Jenkins. Feature set frozen

See also BGS Etherpad for the most recent information on project plan status.

get_started/get_started_release_plan.1429523280.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/04/20 09:48 by Frank Brockners