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Target System State

This wiki defines the target system state that is created by a successful execution of the BGS. This target system has Linux Distro started by MaaS and Openstack and ODL will be standard but deployed by Juju using Charms service bundles for different artifacts.

Hardware setup

Pharos specification describes the hardware setup for a "standard deployment environment"

Pharos Specification

Key Components and associated versions

Component Type Flavor Version Notes
Base OS Ubuntu 14.04 Including current updates for all installed packages
SDN Controller OpenDaylight Helium SR2 With Open vSwitch
Infrastructure controller OpenStack Juno

Ubuntu 14.04

Install OPNFV platform using MAAS and Juju

Install only core components on all servers. Additional dependencies will be included when specific packages are added. This list is derived from with fuel specific components removed OpenStack Fuel Template. Puppet is included since OpenSteak, Foreman and Fuel installers are all using Puppet.

All packages required are automatically installed by MAAS as Jump Server in Pharos Specification (JuJu Track).

OpenStack Juno

OpenStack Juno Components OpenStack Juno

Component Package Version Notes
Nova Juno
Glance Juno
Neutron Juno
Keystone Juno
MySQL Juno
RabbitMQ Juno
Ceilometer Juno Possibility to drop from first release
Horizon Juno
Ceph Juno possibly replace with Cinder or swift
Heat Juno Possibility to drop from first release
Tempest Juno What about documenting on the CI page and not the getting started page?

OpenDaylight Helium SR2


Component Sub-Component Version Notes
odl-dlux-all 0.1.2-Helium-SR2
odl-config-persister-all 0.2.6-Helium-SR2 OpenDaylight :: Config Persister:: All
odl-aaa-all 0.1.2-Helium-SR2 OpenDaylight :: AAA :: Authentication :: All Featu
odl-ovsdb-all 1.0.2-Helium-SR2 OpenDaylight :: OVSDB :: all
odl-ttp-all 0.0.3-Helium-SR2 OpenDaylight :: ttp :: All
odl-openflowplugin-all 0.0.5-Helium-SR2 OpenDaylight :: Openflow Plugin :: All
odl-adsal-compatibility-all 1.4.4-Helium-SR2 OpenDaylight :: controller :: All
odl-tcpmd5-all 1.0.2-Helium-SR2
odl-adsal-all 0.8.3-Helium-SR2 OpenDaylight AD-SAL All Features
odl-config-all 0.2.7-Helium-SR2 OpenDaylight :: Config :: All
odl-netconf-all 0.2.7-Helium-SR2 OpenDaylight :: Netconf :: All
odl-base-all 1.4.4-Helium-SR2 OpenDaylight Controller
odl-mdsal-all 1.1.2-Helium-SR2 OpenDaylight :: MDSAL :: All
odl-yangtools-all 0.6.4-Helium-SR2 OpenDaylight Yangtools All
odl-restconf-all 1.1.2-Helium-SR2 OpenDaylight :: Restconf :: All
odl-integration-compatible-with-all 0.2.2-Helium-SR2
odl-netconf-connector-all 1.1.2-Helium-SR2 OpenDaylight :: Netconf Connector :: All
odl-akka-all 1.4.4-Helium-SR2 OpenDaylight :: Akka :: All

Additional Components

Component Package Version Notes
Hypervisor: KVM
Forwarder: OVS 2.0.2
Node config: Juju
Example VNF1: Linux Ubuntu 14.04
Example VNF2: OpenWRT version 14.07 – barrier braker)

Network setup

Describe which L2 segments are configured (i.e. for management, control, use by client VNFs, etc.), how these segments are realized (e.g. VXLAN between OVSs) and which segment numbering (e.g. VLAN IDs, VXLAN IDs) are used. Describe which IP addresses are used, which DNS entries (if any are configured), default gateways, etc. Describe if/how segments are interconnected etc.

See details on the corresponding Pharos wiki:

Storage setup

Local storage will be used.

NTP setup

Multiple labs will eventually be working together across geographic boundaries.

  • All systems should use multiple NTP Servers
  • Timezone should be set to UTC for all systems
  • Centralized logging should be configured with UTC timezone

Describe the detailed setup

juju_release.1427496854.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/03/27 22:54 by Narinder Gupta