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Open Source VNFs

The page documents the list of open source VNF, the network function being virtualized, basic features and other attributes.

No VNF Use Case Brief Description Pros Cons Contact Details
1 Clear Water IMS IMS Control Plane Clear Water is an open source implementation of IMS (the IP Multimedia Subsystem) designed to provide voice, video and messaging services. Clear water handles only control plane traffic for sessions. Open source, All in one and Scalable VNF Available in AMI and OVI formats, Supports Openstack, All In one Install is limited to fixed domains and is recommended not to use this, Multi-instance VNF Image requires Chef integration, however, scripts are provided by Clear Water for IMS deployment Martin Taylor( IMF Use Case with Clear Water
2 Brocade VRouter 5400vPEBrocade, VYATTA Virtual Router Licensed
3 Cisco systems CSR 1000VvPECisco Systems, cloud router Licensed
4 ConteXstream Licensed
5 PaloAlto Networks Licensed
6 Metaswitch Perimeta SBC IMS Control and Data Plane Metaswitch Perimeta Session Boarder Controller, (SBC) handles both the Signalling and media traffic associated with the RTP sessions and streams.Exercise user plane with high rate, small packets. Provides standard set of benchmarking number likes number of calls supported in SR-IO, vSwitch, etc environment, potential for Platform performance testing for small packets Licensed TBD Metaswitch IMS Use Case
7 vFW Virtual Firewall (canonical VNF) Open Source (GNU GPL) IPTables
8 vAAA Virtual AAA (canonical VNF) Open Source (BSD) Free Radius
9 Emerginov IMS control planned - like integration of open source solutions (HTTP/SIP proxies, Media serveur,..) managed by Puppet Open Source Morgan Richomme ( Emerginov
10 Linux "Linux"
11 vRouter/vCPE OpenWRT [] images for OpenStack]]
list_of_open_source.1425239208.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/03/01 19:46 by Frank Brockners