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Metal as a Service

Metal as a Service (MAAS) brings the language of the cloud to physical servers. It makes it easy to set up the hardware on which to deploy any service that needs to scale up and down dynamically; a cloud being just one example.

With a simple web interface, you can add, commission, update, decommission and recycle your servers at will. As your needs change, you can respond rapidly, by adding new nodes and dynamically re-deploying them between services. When the time comes, nodes can be retired for use outside the MAAS.

MAAS works closely with the service orchestration tool Juju to make deploying services fast, reliable, repeatable and scalable. more:

Note: We are going to utilize MAAS as a part of POD jump-start server so that OS deployment can be handled by MAAS and support Ubuntu, Centos, Windows or customized images (supported by MAAS process).

Currently MAAS supports all Major OEM (HP, Dell, Intel, Cisco, Sea-micro etc.. ) hardware which includes the power management of those hardware through IPMI as well as other power management software.

MAAS machine requirement:

MAAS Cluster controller (each lab):

  • One intel x86_64 machine as cluster controller in each lab which will have MAAS cluster controller installed and configure to control the lab head node.
  • Hardware should have 16 core processor and 32 GB RAM for smooth operations. So that mutiple VMs also can be installed on the MAAS cluster controller for further deployment.
  • Should have Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with MAAS cluster controller installed.
  • Machines needs to be provisioned with MAAS should have first network (eth0) as admin network and connected to MAAS via switch.
  • All provisioned server needs to have eth0 setup as PXE boot first then hard disk and other device.

More information on how to register a cluster controller to regional controller can be found at

MAAS regional controller (Linux Foundation lab): MAAS cluster controller talks to regional controller through rpc and API. We expect a connection between MAAS regional controller and MAAS cluster controller.

maas_requirement.1440469643.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/08/25 02:27 by Narinder Gupta