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Project: Parser (Deployment Template Translation)

In NFV, various templates (such as descriptors, records and so on) are utilized to describe the deployment requirements (such as basic VM requirements – vCPU, memory, storage, as well as the NFV acceleration management requirement such as Huge Pages support, SR-IOV, NUMA affinity, DPDK support etc.), the post-instaniation records (such as storage usage report, CPU performance report etc.) or other purposes. However in order to make these templates adaptable and feasible for purpose like deployment orchestration/automation, certain tooling mechanism that provides template translation is necessary.

Project Parser will help to provide such tooling mechanism, by parsing Telecom operators’ descriptors/records into TOSCA/CAMP templates and then further translate TOSCA/CAMP templates into certain common templates, which could be used in IaaS orchestration projects like OpenStack Heat.

The overall project plan for Parser is:

  • During the time period of Release One, identify more use cases, and also the gap for the upstream project.

Related wiki pages:

Key Project Facts

Project Creation Date: February 4, 2015
Category: Integration & Testing
Lifecycle State: Incubation
Primary Contact: Zhipeng (Howard) Huang
Project Lead: Zhipeng (Howard) Huang
Jira Project Name: Parser project
Jira Project Prefix: PARSE


  • Ruifeng(Victor) Hu, Huawei (
  • Zhipeng(Howard) Huang, Huawei (
  • Qi Zhou, Huawei (
  • Vinayak Ram, HP (
  • Sarbajit Chatterjee, HP (
  • Senthil Kumar Subramaniam, HP (
  • Julien, ZTE (

IRC : #opnfv-parser (
Trello : Parser trello board for coordination (
Mailing List : no dedicated mailing list - use opnfv-tech-discuss and tag your emails with [parser] in the subject for easier filtering
Meetings :

Repository: parser

parser.1423595295.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/02/10 19:08 by Aric Gardner