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Base principles of the testing

Key objectives:

  • Define tooling for tests
  • Define test suites (SLA)
  • Installation and configuration of the tools
  • Automate test with CI

Procedure shall be independant from the installer. The procedure shall be performed on any of the installer.

Test tools

Test scenario


The default scenario are:

  • authenticate
  • nova
  • cinder
  • glance
  • keystone
  • neutron
  • quotas
  • requests
  • tempest-do-not-run-against-production
  • heat
  • mistral
  • sahara
  • vm
  • ceilometer
  • designate
  • dummy
  • zaqar

the first ones (authenticate, nova, cinder, glance, keystone, neutron, quotas, requests, tempest-do-not-run-against-production) can be re-used. However scenario shall be tuned especially for the bench

  • which image (size, OS,..) TODO: check for reco in Spirent ETSI NFV doc on test
  • which SLA (booting time, error rate,..)

Note: during first manual launched on alpha Orange platform installed with opensteak installer, there were lots of errors (196) running Tempest scenario and some in Rally scenario (results to be analyzed)

Studies on the testcase shall be done

Open question

  • Shall we create new scenario (to remove tests or add new ones)?
  • not sure to be able to play the default scenario (ping VM) ⇒ which tool?

Test automation

To be discussed with CI team asap

status regarding installers

"Experiment" #1 - "Foreman-Quickstack" #2 "Fuel" #3 "OpenSteak" #4 "SlapStick" #5 "Juju"
Installation of tools Rally natively integrated in Fuel Rally installed manually on a de dedicated tooling VM
Tests Rally scenarios including tempest launched manually from the VM, see
Automation of scripts
pharos_testing.1426613707.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/03/17 17:35 by Morgan Richomme