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Project Name: Juju

  • Proposed name for the project: Juju
  • Proposed name for the repository: repo-name
  • Project Category:
    • Integration & Testing

Project description:

Introduce Juju and MAAS to support BGS

Metal as a Service

Metal as a Service (MAAS) brings the language of the cloud to physical servers. It makes it easy to set up the hardware on which to deploy any service that needs to scale up and down dynamically; a cloud being just one example.

With a simple web interface, you can add, commission, update, decommission and recycle your servers at will. As your needs change, you can respond rapidly, by adding new nodes and dynamically re-deploying them between services. When the time comes, nodes can be retired for use outside the MAAS.

MAAS works closely with the service orchestration tool Juju to make deploying services fast, reliable, repeatable and scalable. more:

What is Juju?

Juju is a state-of–the–art, open source, service orchestration tool. Juju allows you to configure, manage, maintain, deploy, and scale cloud services quickly and efficiently on public clouds, as well as on physical servers, OpenStack, and containers. You can use Juju from the command line or through its beautiful GUI.

Under the OPNVF BGS initiative, we plan to use Juju and MAAS to provide end-to-end solution to find baremetal resources, to provision a customer selected OS, to deploy a particular version of OpenStack and ODL release.

Main benefits of OPNFV deployment using MAAS and Juju:

  • Provisioning Ubuntu 14.04 or other operating system like Centos, Windows on baremetal nodes(or simulator VMs).
  • Juju based installation and configuration of OpenStack. Juju supports any language of user choice, like Chef, Puppet, Ansible, bash, etc.
  • Juju charms for installation and configuration of OpenDayLight Helium. LINK
  • Integration of OpenStack and ODL but not limited to ODL as SDN controller, currently there are Juju charms for ODL, OpenContrail, Project Calico, Nuage Networks SDN, Midonet SDN, Plumgrid SDN, NSX, and more are planned like ONOS framework etc.

As another experiment under BGS, Todo list is going to include:

  • Automation scripts to achieve items above.


  • Describe the problem being solved by project
  • Specify any interface/API specification proposed,
  • Specify testing and integration:
  • Debugging and Tracing
  • Unit/Integration Test plans
  • Client tools developed for status shows etc.
  • Identity a list of features and functionality will be developed.
  • Identify what is in or out of scope. So during the development phase, it helps reduce discussion.
  • Describe how the project is extensible in future

Testability: ''(optional, Project Categories: Integration & Testing)''

  • Specify testing and integration like interoperability, scalability, high availability
  • What QA and test resources will be available?

Documentation: ''(optional, Project Categories: Documentation)''

  • API Docs
  • Functional block description


  • Identify similar projects is underway or being proposed in OPNFV or upstream project
  • Identify any open source upstream projects and release timeline.
  • Identify any specific development be staged with respect to the upstream project and releases.
  • Are there any external fora or standard development organization dependencies. If possible, list and informative and normative reference specifications.
  • If project is an integration and test, identify hardware dependency.

Committers and Contributors:

  • Names and affiliations of the committers
  • Names and affiliations of any other contributors

Planned deliverables

  • Described the project release package as OPNFV or open source upstream projects.
  • If project deliverables have multiple dependencies across other project categories, described linkage of the deliverables.

Proposed Release Schedule:

  • When is the first release planned?
  • Will this align with the current release cadence

Use the above information to create a key project facts section on your project page

Key Project Facts

Project Name: Project Name (repo name)
Repo name: Juju
Project Category:
Lifecycle State:
Primary Contact: Artur Tyloch
Project Lead:
Jira Project Name: Same as Project name
Jira Project Prefix: JUJU
mailing list tag JUJU
IRC: Channel:#opnfv-juju
* Narinder Gupta -
* Prakash Ramchandran
* Vagish Shanmukh
* Artur Tyloch -
* Ivan Zoratti -
Link to TSC approval: Example
Link to approval of additional submitters: ** Example

project_proposals/juju.1428451149.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/04/07 23:59 by Artur Tyloch