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Project Name

  • Proposed project name: YangForge
  • Proposed repository name: yangforge
  • Project Category: Collaborative Development

Project Description

YangForge is an open-source toolkit and development framework designed to greatly simplify YANG data model driven application SDLC. This project provides easy-to-use CLI commands to work with YANG schema files and contains a number of built-in dynamic interface generators to dynamically create interfaces such as REST/JSON via a single command.

The primary target use cases are as follows:

  • Enable Information Model designers/architects to test/validate YANG schemas
  • Enable Developers to easily attach event-driven control logic to data models
  • Enable Collaborators to build/sign/publish and share YANG modules
  • Enable Operators to deploy/manage YANG modules in runtime

This project is a spin-out from Resource Management (Promise) project. While working on the implementation track for the Promise project (which required comprehensive data modeling of the ResourceElements across the entire Virtualized Infrastructure), a general tooling development initiative was kicked off and the YangForge toolkit was created as a result.

This project has been open-sourced on 7/17/2015 and currently averaging ~500 downloads per week.

Following the general availability of YangForge several weeks ago, this project has been presented to the ETSI TST working group as well as to other OPNFV project leads in order to introduce and collect feedback for applicability in helping to accelerate their own respective requirements driven projects that can benefit by leveraging model-driven implementation. Based on the collective positive feedback and recommendations, we have decided to initiate a separate stand-alone project within OPNFV for increasing visibility to the wider community and serving as a general tooling project for supporting other requirements driven projects within OPNFV.



Committers and Contributors

Project Lead: Peter K. Lee


  • TBD


  • TBD

Planned Deliverable

Planned Release Schedule

YangForge has an ambitious near-term release schedule targeting monthly release milestones until the end of 2015. The current plan is to align with OPNFV Brahmaputra release with the YangForge 1.0 release at the beginning of 2016.

  • 0.9.x - available now
  • 0.10.x - October 2015
  • 0.11.x - November 2015
  • 0.12.x - December 2015
project_proposals/yangforge.1441138724.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/01 20:18 by Peter Lee