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Functest Brahmaputra - Tempest status

Test case success rate for available scenarios

Scenario Apex Compass Fuel Joid
os-nosdn-nofeature-ha 113/115 (98%)
os-odl_l2-nofeature-ha 107/120 (89%) 192/210 (91%) 116/177 (66%)
os-odl_l3-nofeature-ha 107/146 (73%)
os-onos-nofeature-ha 89/113 (79%)

Following table describes most common tempest case failures and probable reasons for them.

Error message Explanation/status
'Floating ip pool not found' The reason for this problem is that default_floating_pool parameter in /etc/nova/nova.conf file doesn't match the name of existing external network. Note that default value of this parameter is 'public'. The problem can be easily reproducing by giving 'nova floating-ip-create' command without any parameters.
'create_network_postcommit failed' / 'create_subnet_postcommit failed' This is quite common problem in setups with OpenDaylight SDN controller. The problem seems not to be permanent and can be probably caused by known ODL ML2 driver problems (see e.g.
tempest_brahmaputra_page.1453209888.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/01/19 13:24 by Viktor Tikkanen