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Project Name:

  • Proposed name for the project: FAROS Platform governance policy
  • Proposed name for the repository: FAROS
  • Project Categories: (Documentation, Integration & Testing)

Project description:

This project deals with the documentation & IT aspects of the community testbeds.


The goal of this project consists in providing documents and guidelines in order to

  • access to the test platform. (rights, timeslots,..)
  • reference the community platforms (manage wiki page to provide different point of contacts)
  • get information on the testbed such as the list of testing equipments available (traffic generators, physical specific hardware, any special conditions regarding physical access)
  • get information on the history of the supported test cases
  • manage FAQ related to OPNFV testbeds
  • provide community lab user guide, admin guide, installation guide?

Documentation: ''(optional, Project Categories: Documention)''

  • Community platform policy
  • IT management of the platform (wiki, + dedicated tools for time reservation?)


  • Testbed related projects (HW/SW definition, Tooling, VNF deployment test cases)
  • CI project

Committers and Contributors:

  • Name of and affiliation of the maintainer: C.Donley (Cable Labs)
  • Names and affiliations of the committers: M.Richomme (Orange)

Planned deliverables

  • Wiki page and guideline

Proposed Release Schedule:

  • 15/12/2014 for v1
testbed_governance_policy.1414153834.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/10/24 12:30 by Morgan Richomme