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use_cases [2014/10/09 18:27]
Palani Chinnakannan [Project description]
use_cases [2014/10/13 20:07] (current)
Palani Chinnakannan
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-====== ​OPNFV Release 1 use cases =====+====== ​VNF Deployment Test cases =====
 ---- ----
-    ​An Integration & Testing project category+**    ​An Integration & Testing project category**
 ====== Project description ====== ====== Project description ======
-The first release ​ of the OPNFV project is aimed at overall ​open source component integration to form the infrastructure/​platform for NFV hosting and for some basi VNF performance measurements. A set of simple use cases are required to provide focus and drive for the project to meet these goals. These use cases should meet the following requirements:​ +The first release ​ of the OPNFV project is aimed at  open source component integration to form the NFVI platform for VNF hosting and for basic NFVI platform ​performance measurements. A set of simple use cases are required to provide focus and drive for the project to meet these goals. These use cases should meet the following requirements:​ 
-    * OPNFV Infrastructure ​Integration +    * OPNFV Platform ​Integration 
-    * OPNFV Infrastructure Grass Roots Performance Measurements +    * OPNFV Platform Basic Performance Measurements 
-==== OPNFV Infrastructure ​Integration ==== +==== OPNFV Platform ​Integration ==== 
-    ​Exercise ​the integration of the OPNFV infrastructure ​components like Openstack, ODL, KVM etc., to stand up simple VNFs.+The requirement here is to have use case(s) that originates ​the tests required to verify the OPNFV Platform. The testing is basically to verify the __**integration**__ of the components like Openstack, ODL, KVM etc., to form a cohesive platform using which one could stand up a VNF.
-==== OPNFV Infrastructure Grass Roots Performance ==== +==== OPNFV Platform Basic Performance ​Measurement==== 
-    ​Exercise ​the OPNFV infrastructure component ​performance bottle necks and identify future improvements and enhancements required for a deploy-able NFV Infrastructure.+The requirement here is to make some basic performance measurement done that exposes ​the  performance bottle necks and identify future improvements and enhancements required for a deploy-able NFV platform.
-    ​The following are the high level use cases that fits the needs+The ETSI use cases document[1] lists a wide range of use cases. After a review of this document, followed by some level of discussion with the network operators, the following ​high level use cases are selected for meeting ​the above requirements:  
-      * Standup a  Virtual Provider Edge +      * Standup a Virtual Provider Edge (section 6.3) 
-      * Standup a Mobile Packet Gateway +      * Standup a EPC Network Function, MME or PGW (section 9.3) 
-      * Standup a Content Delivery Network Gateway +      * Standup a Content Delivery Network, CDN Node (Section 12.3) 
- +      * Standup a Home Gateway, NAT, ALG, RGW etc. (section 11.3) 
-    These use cases can be achieved using open source VNFs, custom simulators those mimic the traffic patterns exhibited by the above network devices and finally using some Vendors VNF.  ​+For more details about these use cases, please refer to the above reference: 
 +These use cases can be achieved using open source VNFs, custom simulators those mimic the traffic patterns exhibited by the above network devices and finally using some Vendors VNF.  ​
 ====== Scope: ====== ====== Scope: ======
-    ​This project enables the integration testing of the OPNFV initial infrastructure ​that is built using the open source components. ​ In addition, the project enables performance measurement that exposes the limitations and bottlenecks present in the infrastructure software and hardware. These efforts enables the OPFNV infrastructure ​to be designed on solid open soruce ​infrastructure as well as meet the demanding needs of network services and operations.+This project enables the integration testing of the OPNFV platform ​that is built using the open source components. ​ In addition, the project enables performance measurement that exposes the limitations and bottlenecks present in the infrastructure software and hardware. These efforts enables the OPNFV platform ​to be designed on solid open source ​infrastructure as well as meet the demanding needs of network services and operations.
 ===== Interface and API ===== ===== Interface and API =====
-    ​The project does not propose any new API specification. The project uses the standard open source component APIs from openstack, ODL, KVM etc.  The project will test out these component APIs and their applicability for a stand alone NFV use cases identified above. The exact APIs set under test are [[here]]+The project does not propose any new API specification. The project uses the standard open source component APIs from openstack, ODL, KVM etc.  The project will test out these component APIs and their applicability for a stand alone NFV use cases identified above. The exact APIs set under test are [[here]]
-==== Testing and integration ====+===== Testing and integration ​=====
     ​     ​
-==== OPNFV Infrastructure ​Integration Macro Test Plan  ==== +==== OPNFV Platform ​Integration Macro Test Plan  ==== 
-    The goal of the infrastructure integration testing is to verify the integration of the infrastructure components like openstack, ODL etc. This following macro test scenarios are specified to verify this integration requirement:​+The goal of the infrastructure integration testing is to verify the integration of the infrastructure components like openstack, ODL etc. This following macro test scenarios are specified to verify this integration requirement:​
   - Install and bring-up verification of the test system   - Install and bring-up verification of the test system
   - On-boarding of the Service VNF Descriptor   - On-boarding of the Service VNF Descriptor
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   - Verification of the Service characteristics ​   - Verification of the Service characteristics ​
-==== OPNFV Infrastructure Grass Roots Performance Macro Test Plan==== +==== OPNFV Platform Basic Performance ​Measurement ​Macro Test Plan==== 
-    The goal of this Use case is to verify the delivered performance by the infrastructure. The macros test cases for this use case is built on top of the above use case. These are as follows:+The goal of this Use case is to verify the delivered performance by the infrastructure. The macros test cases for this use case is built on top of the above use case. These are as follows:
   - VNF Orchestration and deployment time   - VNF Orchestration and deployment time
   - VNF boot up time   - VNF boot up time
Line 44: Line 45:
   - VNF Hyper-visor performance   - VNF Hyper-visor performance
   - VNF Storage performance   - VNF Storage performance
 +Debugging and Tracing ====
-    Debugging and Tracing +Unit/​Integration Test plans 
-    ​Unit/​Integration Test plans +Client tools developed for status shows etc. 
-    Client tools developed for status shows etc. +Identity a list of features and functionality will be developed. 
-    Identity a list of features and functionality will be developed. +Identify what is in or out of scope. So during the development phase, it helps reduce discussion. 
-    Identify what is in or out of scope. So during the development phase, it helps reduce discussion. +Describe how the project is extensible in future
-    Describe how the project is extensible in future+
-Testability: ''​(optionalProject Categories: Integration & Testing)''​+==== Testability ​==== 
 +Specify testing and integration like interoperabilityscalability,​ high availablity 
 +What QA and test resources will be available?
-    Specify testing and integration like interoperability,​ scalability,​ high availablity +==== Documentation ====
-    What QA and test resources will be available?+
-Documentation:​ ''​(optional,​ Project Categories: Documention)''​ 
     API Docs     API Docs
     Functional block description     Functional block description
-Dependencies: +==== Dependencies ​==== 
- +      - No Similar ​project ​identified
-    Identify similar projects is underway or being proposed in OPNFV or upstream ​project +      - The project completion requires ​the integration of open source ​components specified below: 
-    Identify any open source upstream projects and release timeline+      - Depends on the Continuous Integration Plan 
-    ​Identify any specific development be staged with respect to the upstream project and releases. +      - Depends on the Hardware and Software Integration Plan 
-    Are there any external fora or standard development organization dependencies. If possible, list and informative and normative reference specifications. +==== Commiters and Contributors ====
-    If project is an integration ​and test, identify hardware dependency. +
- +
-Committers and Contributors:​ +
- +
-    Name of and affiliation of the maintainer +
-    Names and affiliations of the committers +
-    Any other contributors +
- +
-Planned deliverables +
- +
-    Described the project release package as OPNFV or open source ​upstream projects. +
-    If project deliverables have multiple dependencies across other project categories, described linkage of the deliverables. +
- +
-Proposed Release Schedule:+
-    When is the first release ​planned? +==== Planned deliverable ==== 
-    Will this align with the current release cadence+This project will deliver the following:​ 
 +  * Use cases document 
 +  * Macro Test cases driven by the use cases 
 +  * Micro test cases driven by the Macro Test cases 
 +  * Performance measurement metrics 
 +==== Proposed Release Schedule ==== 
 +This project proposal ​is for the first release ​of the OPNFV platform. 
 +==== References ==== 
 +1. ETSI GS NFV 001 V1.1.1: Network Function Virtualization;​ Use cases
use_cases.1412879243.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/10/09 18:27 by Palani Chinnakannan