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Minutes of Technical Community Discussion on March 10, 2016

  • Date and Time: 6:00am PST / UTC 14:00, Thursday March 10, 2016
  • Convener: Bin Hu (AT&T)
  • Participants:
    • Al Morton (AT&T)
    • Ana Cunha (Ericsson)
    • Brian Smith (Bell Canada)
    • Dan Druta (AT&T)
    • Dan Radez (Redhat)
    • Daniel Smith (Ericsson)
    • Dave Neary (Red Hat)
    • Georg Kunz (Ericsson)
    • Gerald Kunzmann (DoCoMo)
    • Ildiko Vancsa (Ericsson)
    • Julien Zhang (ZTE)
    • Malla Reddy Sama (DoCoMo)
    • Manuel Rebellon (Sandvine)
    • Mark D Gray (Intel)
    • Mark Szczesniak (Casa)
    • Meenakshi Kaushik (Cisco)
    • Prakash Ramchandran (Huawei)
    • Ryota Mibu (NEC)
    • Tim Irnich (Ericsson)
    • Ulrich Kleber (Huawei)
    • Yaoguang Wang (Huawei)

Georg (Ericsson) introduced the status of his 3 action items:
- 4 Milestones are defined with deliverables. Prototyping activity will be in parallel with use case collection and gap analysis - There is no overlap with other projects such as SDNVPN and SFC. Those projects are focusing on integrating existing upstream components, which are not in main upstream package, into OPNFV platform to make sure those functionality are available in OPNFV. But they are not going to investigate new use case, perform gap analysis and optimize the way of Neutron networking. - Prototyping code will be in public repo, e.g. Github's OpenStack repo.

Meeting adjourned.

wiki/tc_minutes_20160310.1457658206.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/03/11 01:03 by Bin Hu