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Vswitch Performance Characterization Meeting Minutes


Attendees: Approx. 25 attendees


  • Opens

[Action]: Mike to put in place IRC channel for next week’s meeting

Where do we store artifacts like VM images? Consensus that they really do not belong in GIT….

[Action]: Mike to raise this at Performance and Test group meeting on how to resolve as it won’t be a problem specific to this project.

Raised today (Jan 15th); P&G group have taken an action to make a proposal on how to handle this project-wide

* Comments on Repo Structure proposal

* Need directory for test specification (+ 1 by Aihua) * Plan not to include the source code in the repo but just to clone the Tags (+1 by Aihua) * Other comments: included in Aihua’s Google Docs review * [Action]: Aihua to present status of review at next week’s project meeting

* Project Repo and Development tools * Git Review in conjunction with Gerrit is set up as part of repo creation by Linux Foundation * This is being used in Huawei (GitReview). Operationally similar to GitPush. No objections to using this * Project Development Tools – what candidates? * Code review: Gerrit… no objections * Bug tracking: * Could use GitHub bug tracker (assuming we are building on GitHub – need to confirm with Linux Foundation) Alternative could be to use Bugzilla. * Bryan Sullivan has experience of GitHub Bug tracker – seems to be pretty effective +1 * Bugzilla is acceptable fallback if GitHub bug tracker not available (Bryan again). * Need to ensure we can enforce a mechanism that makes it clearly visible what bugs are being fixed (Gene Snider) * Ideally we should not re-invent the wheel, let’s use as much default from Linux Foundation as possible, unless consensus exists that it’s not acceptable

* Test Specification draft * Maryam presented the structure of the test spec * Bryan: is there anything there from QoS perspective? No….Need to get feedback from community here. * Al Morton (AT&T): Happy to contribute to some parts of this. Mike to add Al as a contributor [done] * Al to send out links to some IETF benchmarking/performance RFCs and drafts [done]

* Governance structure * We need to agree a Governance and Review structure! * We are doing some trailblazing here from OPNFV perspective which may serve the benefit of the whole community * [Action]: Maryam to provide a detailed proposal to the mailing list on a Governance Model

wiki/vswitch_meeting_minutes.1421339764.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/01/15 16:36 by Michael Lynch