Table of Contents

Base principles of the installation/deployment approach

Key objectives:

Installer approach for BGS

The OPNFV install process consists of two main phases:

Implementation status

The OPNFV BGS team conducts several parallel experiments to check the feasibility of the modular install approach. Individual components which define OPNFV(Release 1) for the BGS context will align with the list of components listed on the wiki:

The "OPNFV-INSTALLATION and MAINTENANCE" phase of the installation is agnostic to the base installer used. Components for the "OPNFV-INSTALLATION and MAINTENANCE" phase are common across all installers. These common components are found in the: common part of the genesis repository.

Note: The table which compares different installer approaches which was originally found here has been moved to a dedicated wiki page: List of current deployment tools (installers) investigated