Release Readiness for Arno: Status and Plan


Projected focus activities for Arno completion

LF Lab status and plans

LAB completion: Lab is ready for BGS deploy to start testing, troubleshooting and assumption corrections ongoing. To be resolved @ completion of SYS.READY and TEST:READY.

Arno deployment status and plans

SYS:READY completion: SYS.READY ongoing, deploys of Arno under migration to LF hardware with iterative activities between SYS.READY and LAB activities. SYS:READY cannot formally close until TEST:READY is closed.

SYS:AUTOMATED completion: Pending SYS:READY with little development required to transition from SYS.READY to SYS:AUTOMATED.

funcest status and plans

TEST:READY completion: activity is ongoing with significant remaining backlog. The team is focused and working on the backlog, this activity follows only the critical path for TEST.READY development. No blocking dependencies at this time, functional Arno deployments available for development and validation.

Release docs status and plans

DOCS:READY completion: activity is ongoing. Backlog is focused on compilation of existing material and organization into release content and structure. Dependencies identified on other projects, but all dependencies in "started" state and different levels of completion.

Status and plan as of Apr/22:

Category Task Fuel deployment approach Foreman deployment approach Project Effort to complete: estimate Dependencies
LAB LF lab state stable and configuration documented and up to date wip wip Pharos 2 days (doc) LF Hardware PODSs configured the same. Doc templates / tools ready
LAB Field labs state stable and documented and up to date in Pharos Ericsson lab stable. wiki. Create info/config template for info for other labs. Intel lab stable. wiki. Create info/config template for other labs. Pharos 1 day (doc) none
LAB Pharos specification yes - spec.rst yes spec.rst Pharos 1 day (commit) none
LAB System Usernames yes (wiki) yes (wiki) Pharos 2 days (review / commit) input from BGS
LAB LF infrastructure - hardware yes (wiki) yes (wiki) Pharos 1 day (doc) none - hw available
LAB LF infrastructure - admin yes (wiki) yes (wiki) Pharos 1 day (doc) none
LAB LF infrastructure - access yes (wiki) yes (wiki) Pharos 1 day (doc) none
LAB LF infrastructure - physical diagram (wiki) yes (wiki) yes (wiki) Pharos 3 days (doc/review) LF Hardware PODSs configured the same.
LAB LF infrastructure - logical topology diagram (wiki) yes (wiki) yes (wiki) Pharos 3 days (doc/review) LF Hardware PODSs configured the same.
LAB LF infrastructure - LO network yes (wiki) yes (wiki) Pharos 1 day none
LAB LF infrastructure - Networks draft (wiki) draft (wiki) Pharos 1 day (undefined) none
LAB LF infrastructure - IPs draft (wiki) draft (wiki) Pharos 1 day (undefined) LF Hardware PODSs configured the same.
SYS.READY Bootable ISO disk image for Jumphost installation available yes yes BGS done
SYS.READY Bootable ISO disk image for Jumphost installation tested by 3rd-party yes (partly at AT&T, and a separate Ericsson team) in progress BGS 2 days
SYS.READY Final system state fully documented target system state wiki partly yes BGS 1 day
SYS.READY LF Hardware available and fully configured (POD1 and POD2) yes yes BGS 1 day
LF Hardware PODSs configured the same (VLANs/users/etc. the same across across POD1 and POD2) no no BGS 1 day (once both installers work on their PODs)
SYS.AUTOMATED Jump servers operational with Jenkins connectivity (POD1 and POD2) yes yes Octopus
SYS.READY Manual deploy to development lab fully functional yes (Ericsson lab) yes (Intel lab) BGS done
SYS.READY Validate that install works on "any lab" - not just the original development lab:
Manual deploy to generic Pharos-lab (i.e. LF HW as target) fully functional ( is executed and deploys the install/jumphost automatically and then provisions OpenStack with HA + ODL to baremetal)
yes yes BGS undetermined (pending resolution of current tech. issues) TEST.READY
SYS.READY Manual validation that install to "any lab" is operational:
Manual base validation of install on generic Pharos-lab (i.e. LF HW as target) ( manually connect to the system, performs basic openstack operations)
yes yes BGS 1 day TEST.READY
SYS.AUTOMATED Automated deploy (Jenkins triggered) to LF Hardware fully functional yes no Octopus 1 day SYS.READY, TEST.EXEC
SYS.RELEASE All tests relevant to Arno pass. Any required fixes in please no no BGS undetermined (depends on test outcome) SYS.AUTOMATED, TEST.EXEC
SYS.DOCS Release notes document available in repo yes - 1st draft yes - 1st draft BGS 2 days
SYS.DOCS User/installation guide available in repo yes - 1st draft yes - 1st draft BGS 2 days
SYS.DOCS License information on components used yes 1st draft in gerrit BGS 1 day
TEST.READY Defined and documented set of test cases (Tempest/Rally and Robot/ODL) for Arno yes (draft) Functest 1 day
TEST.READY Rally/Tempest operational on LF HW Jumphosts of POD1 and POD2 wait for POD 1 (pre-test on Ericsson POD) yes - verification pending (jira) Functest 1 day LAB, SYS.READY First tests showed errors on standard upstream test suites. These errors seem linked to a limited sources but must be analyzed. An option could consist in reducing the scope until getting a list without failure with both installers, but suite is trustable and errors shall be analyzed
TEST.READY Sample VNFs for testing available yes - vPing vPing code committed (99% automated), vIMS postponed to next release Functest 1 day vPing last version does no rely on nova console, but waits for Ping before shuting off. Nova console used to work on Orange POD and on NTT lab but not working on POD 2 (seems linked to metadata issue and/or on Ericsson POD) leading to the creation of the workaround
TEST.DOCS Functional Testing User-Guide for Robot/ODL (in .rst) yes (draft) Functest 5 days LAB
TEST.EXEC Successful manual execution of vPing test scripts on field labs HW yes Functest 1 day LAB, TEST.EXEC Test to be done directly on LF POD
TEST.EXEC Successful manual execution of vPing test scripts on LF labs HW yes no Functest 0 day Successful manual execution of vIMS test scripts on field labs HW no no Functest
TEST.EXEC Successful manual execution of vIMS test scripts on LF labs HW N.R N.R Functest 0 day vIMS canceled for Arno
TEST.AUTOMATED Automated validation (functest, autodeploy & test flow) executed on deployed platform no no Octopus 1 day TEST.EXEC
TEST.AUTOMATED Automated validation (functest, autodeploy & test flow) executed on LF deployed platform no no Octopus 1 day TEST.EXEC
DOCS.INFRA Documentation tool-chain installed and operational in OPNFV infra yes yes opnfvdocs
DOCS.INFRA Documentation processes documented, including methodology yes yes opnfvdocs
DOCS.INFRA Documentation templates available yes yes opnfvdocs
DOCS.INFRA Documentation integrated into Gerrit/Jenkins and publishing artefacts yes yes opnfvdocs
DOCS.INFRA List of all required docs across all projects no no opnfvdocs
DOCS.READY User guide documentation prepared no no opnfvdocs 2 days
DOCS.READY Arno release description prepared no no opnfvdocs 2 days
DOCS.READY Documentation consolidated and reviewed for final publishing no no opnfvdocs 3 days
DOCS.REVIEW Final review of all docs and editorial no no opnfvdocs 2 days (all participants)
RELEASE.READY All artifacts (docs, code) packaged up and available to customers (web) no no all 2 days DOCS.READY, TEST.EXEC, SYS.DOCS, SYS.RELEASE, LAB

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