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The procedure below has been used to create a 3-node OPNFV install using Intel NUC i7 nodes with 16GB RAM, 250MB SSD, and 1 TB HDD. The install uses one NUC for the Jumphost, and one each for the controller (OpenStack + ODL) and the compute nodes.

Apex-Based Basic Install

Basic install guidelines:

  • Make sure you have good internet connectivity, as it's required for package install/updates etc.
  • Install Centos 7 on the jumphost.
    • This procedure assumes you are installing the Centos 7 Minimal Server ISO
    • Pick a root password, and create a non-root user "opnfv"
    • Select hostname "jumphost"
    • If the jumphost is attached to a gateway with DHCP disabled (as described on the Academy main page, you will need to assign the static IP to the primary ethernet interface during Ubuntu install (since network autoconfig will fail). Use these values:
      • IP address:
      • Netmask:
      • Gateway
      • DNS:
  • Give sudo access to the opnfv account
(add line)
opnfv   ALL=(ALL)       ALL
  • Update the system and reboot.
sudo yum -y update
  • If desired, install the GNOME desktop (recommended since you will likely be using the jumphost for other things…)
sudo yum -y groupinstall "GNOME Desktop"
sudo systemctl set-default
sudo systemctl start
  • Install prerequisites
sudo yum -y groupinstall "Virtualization Host"
sudo service libvirtd start
sudo chkconfig libvirtd on
  • install git and create git folder where you will clone repos as needed
sudo yum -y install git
mkdir ~/git
git clone

Install RDO and Apex RPMs

  • Download and save the latest RPMs on the OPNFV artifacts page
    • opnfv-apex-x.y-yyyymmdd.noarch.rpm
    • opnfv-apex-common-x.y-yyyymmdd.noarch.rpm
    • opnfv-apex-undercloud-x.y-yyyymmdd.noarch.rpm
  • Install the RDO RPM then the Apex RPMs
sudo yum install -y
cd ~/Downloads
# ! the next command assumes only the Apex RPMs are in your download location... order does not matter
sudo yum install -y *.rpm

Creating a Node Inventory File

This section explains further the instructions at Creating a Node Inventory File.

  • Based upon the examples in Apex repo folder ~/git/apex/config/inventory, create the inventory file ~/inventory.yaml
vi ~/inventory.yaml
    mac_address: "<controler mac>"
    cpus: 2
    memory: 16384
    disk: 1024
    arch: "x86_64"
    capabilities: "profile:control"
    mac_address: "<compute mac>"
    cpus: 2
    memory: 16384
    disk: 1024
    arch: "x86_64"
    capabilities: "profile:compute"

Creating the Settings Files

This section explains further the instructions at Creating the Settings Files.

  • Based upon the examples in Apex repo folder ~/git/apex/config/deploy, create the deploy settings file ~/deploy_settings.yaml
    • Note: the below assumes the IPMI settings should be deleted, but it's not clear yet how to enable wake-on-lan instead
vi ~/deploy_settings.yaml
  ha_enabled: false

  sdn_controller: opendaylight
  sdn_l3: false
  tacker: false
  congress: false
  sfc: false
  • Enable wake-on-lan
cp /usr/bin/opnfv-deploy ~/opnfv-deploy
vi ~/opnfv-deploy
(change line as below and save)
          \"pm_type\": \"pxe_wol\",
sudo cp ~/opnfv-deploy /usr/bin/opnfv-deploy
copper/academy/apex.txt · Last modified: 2016/02/12 17:33 by Bryan Sullivan