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This page will capture additional notes that will perhaps help you in using the multi-node non-HA bare-metal Foreman install for Academy.

Restarting the nodes

You should be able to power-down the NUC boxes and move them to another place. The should power-up and be reconnected using the same addresses they were assigned in the install (at least this works for the 3-node deploy). The procedure to power-up is:

  • power-on all the nodes, in this order
    • jumphost
    • controller
    • compute
      • you might want to wait a few minutes so that the controller boots fully and OpenStack services are initialized. Otherwise you may get a "no valid host found" error when starting VMs, and need to restart nova service on the compute host to resync with the controller. Starting from the jumphost:
        • ssh root@
        • restart nova-compute
  • SSH into the jumphost (root/Op3nStack) and restart the Foreman VM
sudo ssh root@localhost
cd /var/opt/opnfv/foreman_vm
vagrant up
copper/academy/foreman/notes.txt · Last modified: 2015/11/18 01:52 by Bryan Sullivan