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Project Proposal & Creation Review Checklist

  1. Post a project proposal (template) on the Project Proposals page.
  2. Make a new project proposal announcement on TSC & Tech-Discuss mailing lists.
  3. Make an effort to discuss the project proposal during the weekly Technical Discussion call to solicit community feedback
    1. Project proposals will be reviewed based on the order of when they were announced on mailing lists
    2. If a project has been discussed before, but revision/more work is needed, the the proposal timestamp will be reset to when the project proposal was most recently discussed.
  4. After a minimum of 2 week in the “proposal state” AND the proposal reaches "maturity" by the consensus in the community, schedule for a creation review during the weekly TSC call by contacting Chris Price or Ray Paik
    1. The creation review will be done based on the order of when project proposals reached maturity.
    2. If the project proposal was reviewed during the weekly Technical Discussion meeting, the convener of the technical community call can make a recommendation that the proposal is ready for a creation review (based on consensus).
    3. If the project proposal was reviewed via discussions in mailing lists, then the author of the project proposal or the Technical Discussion meeting convenor can announce the consensus in the mailing list and request a creation review.
  5. After the creation review is approved by the TSC:
    1. Create a project wiki page (template)
    2. Add a link to the project wiki page in the Approved OPNFV Projects table in the main wiki page
    3. Remove your project from the Project Proposals page.
    4. Send an email to to file a ticket to create a project repo
    5. Complete the INFO file in the new project repo (BGS example). For committers/contributors, please list corporate email addresses (vs. personal email)
developers/project_proposal_creation_review_checklist.1430371596.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/04/30 05:26 by Ray Paik