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Santa Rosa MeetUp

Presentation Materials

  • Release 1 docs
    • Release notes are needed for the BGS options to clarify details for: RedHat, Ubuntu, SUSE
    • A System Guide and Users Guide is also needed

  • Copper
    • (notes by Bryan) Paul (EMC) suggested that Copper address configuration use cases for the NFVI (e.g. deployment/scaling of VIM and provisioning/scaling of available VI resources). This seems consistent with the "intent"-driven goal of Copper to define how resources should be allocated for VNFs, and may help factor out of provisioning scripts (e.g. Puppet) parameters that may be better provided as input in the creation of the scripts.
    • An example use case for this was discussed: As a web service provider I need an OPNFV deployment so I can provision and operate my web server farm and related functions (e.g. load balancers, firewalls, database servers).
      • My basic intent to have my own cloud management capability and various VNFs (e.g. firewall, load balancer). The OPNFV infrastructure provider can capture my requirements, e.g. TPS capacity, storage, traffic profile, types of security, user groups for my operations team, etc and translate them into parameters that are used in the buildout of the OPNFV deployment, considering the available infrastructure.

  • Wiki improvement
    • Various suggestions were made for improving the wiki
    • (details to be added here by those involved)

  • QTIP benchmarking
    • (details to be added here by those involved)


events/meetupfeb19-2015.1424732322.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/02/23 22:58 by Ray Paik