Escalator Project Meeting
To join the meeting:
Dial-in only:
IRC channel: #opnfv-meeting
@ Freenode
Agenda for March 31st, 2016
Your local time
Roll call
Discuss the changes and comments to the Requirements with Gerrit
Discuss the relationship between Escalator and Installers
Discuss coding plan of Escalator
Discuss Escalator's requirement to Release C
Discuss the agenda for next week meeting
Minutes for March 24th, 2016
Agenda for March 24th, 2016
Your local time
Roll call
Discuss the changes and comments to the Requirements with Gerrit
Discuss the relationship between Escalator and Installers
Discuss coding plan of Escalator
Discuss Escalator's requirement to Release C
Discuss the agenda for next week meeting
Minutes for March 17th, 2016
Roll Call
Uli (Huawei)
Liyi (Ericsson)
Malla (DoCoMo)
Yuri (ZTE)
Zhijiang Hu (ZTE)
Jie (ZTE)
Jie introduced the internal discussion in ZTE
ZTE is preparing to propose a new installer project 'Daisy' which is linked to Escalator
Daisy, the installer, will help Escalator to install the new version of software on the OPNFV platform
Escalator will get information of the current deployment, such as node ids, software version numbers etc from installers directly or indirectly
Liyi said that escalator need inventory management
Jie said that this will re-scope our project or make inventory management as a requirement to other project, like Genesis
Uli show his aware on people's react on the additional installer besides the four installers in Brahmaputra
Zhijiang and Yuri explained how Daisy acts as an example of installer for better supporting Escalator.
Jie asking support of Daisy from the team
Team review the changes from Liyi on Gerrit
Jie ask everyone in EU if the current time slot conflict with lunch time. The team confirmed not to change. Thanks!
Uli suggest that we should have a discuss on Escalator's plan to Rel-C next week.
Agenda for March 17th, 2016
Your local time
Roll call
Discuss changes and comments on Gerrit
Confirm the editors of each chapters of requirements
Discuss the design consideration document if the time is enough
Discuss the agenda for next week meeting
Minutes for March 3rd, 2016
This meeting was not held, but discussions was carried on by E-mail.
Jie proposed to reduce the weekly meeting for giving the team more time on finalized the requirement document.
Team volunteered the editing task for each chapters of requirement document
000-Contributors.rst Jie Hu (ZTE)
101-Scope.rst Jie Hu (ZTE)
102-Terminologies.rst Liyi Meng (Ericsson)
103-Background.rst Malla Reddy (DoCoMo) + Serena (ZTE)
104-Requirements.rst Liyi Meng (Ericsson) + Jie Hu (ZTE)
105-Use_Cases.rst Jianfei Zhang (Nokia) + Serena (ZTE)
106-Reference.rst Jie Hu (ZTE)
1A1-Requirements_from_other_Projects.rst Malla Reddy (DoCoMo)
1A2-Questionnaire_of_Escalator.rst ?
Agenda for March 3rd, 2016
Your local time
Roll call
Discuss the comments to the Requirements
Discuss the editors to each chapter of requirements
Discuss the design consideration document if the time is enough
Discuss the agenda for next week meeting
Minutes for February 25th, 2016
Roll call
Liyi (Ericsson)
Malla (DoCoMo)
Serena (ZTE)
Yuri (ZTE)
Jie (ZTE)
Jie introduced the progress after December and the escalator documents were delivered to Brahmaptra 1.0 release
Discuss the comments to the Requirements
Jie reported a new work item, SWUP (Software Upgrade) is approved in ETSI ISG NFV #13. Its scope covers all software in NFV. It would be a valuable standard reference for our Escalator project. Jie will share SWUP to the team by E-mail.
Discuss the future plan of escalator after Brahmaptra
Continue to refine the Requirements document. A work flow section will be added into the requirements for the team have a common understanding on the usage of escalator.
An email will sent for calling volunteers for the editors for each chapter.
To focus on the Design Considerations. Begin with analysis the relationship of Escalator and Genesis
Try to figure out the coding plan of Escalator if it is possible to be included in Release C or D.
Discuss the agenda for next week meeting
Agenda for February 25th, 2016
Your local time
Roll call
Discuss the comments to the Requirements
Discuss the re-grouping of requirements and work flows of using escalator
Discuss the agenda for next week meeting
Minutes for January 28th, 2016
Agenda for January 28th, 2016
Your local time
Roll call
Review Escalator JIRA issues
Discuss the plan for developing the codes of Escalator.
Discuss the agenda for next week meeting
Minutes for January 21th, 2016
Roll call
Jie (ZTE)
Malla (DoCoMo)
Serena (ZTE)
Jie hand-over the meeting to Malla and leave meeting for travelling.
Malla exchanged the information for other project in OPNFV community with Serena.
Discuss the agenda for next week meeting
Agenda for January 21th, 2016
Your local time
Roll call
Review Escalator JIRA issues
Discuss the Requirement and Gap Analysis
Discuss the agenda for next week meeting
Minutes for January 14th, 2016
Agenda for January 14th, 2016
Your local time
Roll call
Review Escalator JIRA issues
Discuss the Requirement and Gap Analysis
Discuss the agenda for next week meeting
Minutes for January 7th, 2016
Agenda for January 7th, 2016
Your local time
Roll call
Review Escalator JIRA issues
Discuss the Requirement and Gap Analysis
Discuss the agenda for next week meeting
Minutes for December 17th, 2015
Agenda for December 17th, 2015
Your local time
Roll call
Review Escalator JIRA issues
Discuss the Requirement and Gap Analysis
Discuss the agenda for next week meeting
Minutes for December 10th, 2015
Roll call
Maria (Ericsson)
Jianfei (Nokia)
Liyi (Ericsson)
Serena (ZTE)
Jie (ZTE)
The new structure of Requirement
Jie introduced the Escalator-31:Adjusting the structure of REQ.
Liyi suggested the team to review the PDF version ESCALATOR Release draft (6bb26e6)
Maria pointed out the figure in 12.1 should move to chapter three Scope.
Jie asked the team to have a quick review on structure, and the issue plan to be closed on this Saturday.
Team review the JIRA issues and closed some finished or some issues not applicable yet
Maria suggested that we can start the Gap Analysis by Appendix in Part II.
Team discussed on the investigation issues, maybe we need pay efforts on it, but no easier way to solve them.
Team also discussed on the enlarged scope of OPNFV.
Agenda for December 10th, 2015
Your local time
Roll call
Review Escalator JIRA issues
Review the new structured Requirement document in Gerrit
Discuss the agenda for next week meeting
Minutes for December 3rd, 2015
Roll call
Jie proposed the team to have a discussion on adjusting the structure of Requirement documents.
Team reviewed and commented the ToC.
Team reached an agreement on the new structure as following:
Part I Pure Requirements
Project Members / Contributor
040-Work Flows
Describes the different types of requirements.
To have a table to label the source of the requirements, e.g. Doctor, Multi-site, etc.
041 Functional Requirements, e.g. Availability mechanism, etc.
042 Non-functional Requirements, e.g. performance, time, etc.
05-Use Cases
A.I.1 Input requirements from other projects
A.I.2 Questionnaire of Escalator
Part II Design Considerations
01-Reference Architecture
02-Information Flows
03-Administrative Interfaces
032-RestFul API
04-Configuration and Logging
041-Configuration Format
042-Log Format
Agenda for December 3rd, 2015
Your local time
Roll call
Review Escalator JIRA issues
Review the Requirement document in Gerrit
Discuss the agenda for next week meeting
Minutes for Novmeber 26th, 2015
Roll call
Maria (Ericsson)
Liyi (Ericsson)
Jie (ZTE)
Review the Escalator documents in Issues are found as
Review the structure of the Requirement Document and discuss the plan to make adjustment.
The requirement document will restructured as two major parts: 1) Pure requirements part based on the Network Operator's needs; 2) Design part for collecting code implementation considerations.
First version of Requirement document will put into /docs/For_Review
Jie will send the changed documents via email to the team for asking comments.
Discuss the agenda for next week meeting
Agenda for November 26th, 2015
Your local time
Roll call
Review Escalator JIRA issues
Review the Requirement document in Gerrit
Discuss the agenda for next week meeting
Minutes for November 19th, 2015
Roll call
Maria (Ericsson)
Liyi (Ericsson)
Jianfei (Nokia)
Zhong (ZTE)
Jie (ZTE)
Maria shared the interest things on OPNFV Summit and the breakout session of Escalator to Liyi and Jianfei.
Jie mentioned Uli's information from OpenStack Summit.
Container technology called a long discussion during the meeting. Liyi promised to write an email to provide related details.
Discuss the agenda for next week meeting
Agenda for November 19th, 2015
Your local time
Roll call
Review Escalator JIRA issues
Review the Requirement document in Gerrit
Discuss the agenda for next week meeting
Meeting of November 12th, 2015 is cancelled for OPNFV Summit 2015 San Francisco
Group picture of Escalator Team @ OPNFV Summit 2015, from left to right are Mars, Maria, Malla, Jie, Uli, Zhong.
Minutes of Breakout Session#2 during OPNFV Summit on November 10th, 2015
15:30-16:30, Pacific Time
Roll call
Jie gave a brief introduction of Escalator Project to Rajeev and Manuel. And answered several questions to clarify the scope of Escalator.
Uli introduced his works in OpenStack Tokyo Summit. And an Email was sent to the team for detail information.
Discuss the future works
Uli pointed out that we should keep JIRA issues small enough to be resolved more quick. The problems is that it would be difficult for the more the one people work on one rst files.
Jie suggested that we can assign people to each of the section(rst file) as editor. Hope it works.
The team reached consent on the escalator's target of B release is to deliver requirement and will not put architecture in this requirement document.
Maria give some guidelines on GAP Analysis Report. Jie will put a skeleton GA report for discussion.
Team agreed to start review of the Requirement document for collecting final comments and contributions soon.
Minutes of Breakout Session#1 during OPNFV Summit on November 9th, 2015
17:00-17:30, Pacific Time
Roll call
Review Escalator JIRA issues
Jie reported that Escalator-27 has moved all rst files from ./doc to ./docs and the CI task works well. Thanks Uli and Julien for this task.
Jie briefly introduced Zhong's RA contribution as Escalator-25 and 26.
New RA contributions are invited.
Maria mentioned there will be a DEMO with the OpenSAF technology in Ericsson's booth.
Minutes for November 5th, 2015
Agenda for November 5th, 2015
Your local time
Roll call
Review Escalator JIRA issues
Review the Requirement document in Gerrit
Discuss the agenda for next week meeting
Minutes for November 5th, 2015
Roll call
Jianfei (Nokia)
Maria (Ericsson)
Jie (ZTE)
The team synchronized following informations
Review Escalator JIRA issues
Jie introduced that Zhong is uploading his Escalator RA and Information Flows contributions to the OPNFV community. It will be done this week.
Jie also invited other vendors to contribute their own implementations / solutions to Escalator.
Maria said that Ericsson's solution is base on the OpenSAF's codebase.
Jianfei said that Nokia is using Windriver's solution at current time.
The team AGREED to to contribute their company's solution as inputs to RA of Escalators, and this will helps a lot to the Gap analysis and the ultimate goal of Escalator.
Review the Requirement document in Gerrit
The team tried to discuss on Guobing's Patch Set 7 against Patch Set 6 with the comments from Maria and Reply from Guobing.
Maria suggested that escalator should provide more information for operator when the condition could not meet the pre-conditions of a smooth upgrade.
Jianfei proposed that escalator should allow the operator defining some customized pre-conditions
Jianfei also proposed that Escalator shoud provide plug-ins mechanism for VNF's to define their own upgrade policies.
Jie said that this will lead the Escalator as an automatic upgrade helper to be more complex.
The team AGREED that we can collect all these features into a place of Requirement Document and re
Discuss the agenda for next week meeting
Agenda for October 29th, 2015
Your local time
Roll call
Review Escalator JIRA issues
Review the Requirement document in Gerrit
Discuss the agenda for next week meeting
Minutes for October 22nd, 2015
Roll call
Jianfei (Nokia)
Uli (Huawei)
Maria (Ericsson)
Zhong (ZTE)
Jie (ZTE)
Review Escalator JIRA issues
Review the Requirement document in Gerrit
Maria presented her modifications on 02-Background and Terminologies.rst
Comments from Uli, Jianfei, Guobing and Jie were discussed.
"Upgrade Span" would be removed.
Discuss the agenda for next week meeting
Agenda for October 22nd, 2015
Your local time
Roll call
Review Escalator JIRA issues
Review the Requirement document in Gerrit
Discuss the agenda for next week meeting
Minutes for October 15th, 2015
Agenda for October 15th, 2015
Your local time
Roll call
Review Escalator JIRA issues
Review the Requirement document in Gerrit
Discuss the progress of Sprint1
Discuss the agenda for next week meeting
Minutes for October 8th, 2015
Roll call
Uli (Huawei)
Maria (Ericsson)
Zong (ZTE)
Lorne (ZTE)
Jie (ZTE)
Review Escalator JIRA issues
Uli reported that he will check the CI scripts soon.
Jie reported that he was investigating ETSI NFV upgrading.
Jie reported that Jianfei Zhang (Nokia) had already been added to INFO file.
Uli mentioned that it is not necessary to add every contributor to INFO immediately.
Review the requirement document 04-Use Cases and Scenarios part in Gerrit
Jie said that Guobin will to attend this meeting and he want know the suggestions from others.
Thanks Maria and Liyi's detailed comments on use cases.
Maria emphasized that use cases to specific parts of the NFVI and VIM is need.
Jie suggested that we can have general high level use cases, and detailed low level use cases.
Review the requirement document 02-Background TerminologiesUse Cases part in Gerrit
Team AGREED to solve and remove the comments from etherpad version first.
Jie suggested we can reuse some concepts or terms from Service Availability Forum if need and no IPR issues.
A big comment from Maria is related span, granularity, dimension,…etc. She will try to solve it.
Jie said, at current stage, we could not guarantee none service interruption, but we can try to provide some guide to developers for how to reduce the duration by some proper design patterns.
Uli mentioned, OpenStack could not archive this, especially on database upgrading.
Maria thinks it is possible for no service outage and duration of upgrading is not the duration of service outage.
Uli suggested that we can use patches for solving individual comments/bugs in the text with gerrit.
Team AGREED to review the whole text in Gerrit and provide comments and solutions to enhance text.
Discuss the agenda for next week meeting ( meeting ended due to time is up…)
Agenda for October 8th, 2015
Your local time
Roll call
Review Escalator JIRA issues
Review Stable requirement document in Gerrit
Discuss the progress of Sprint1
Discuss the agenda for next week meeting
Minutes for October 1st, 2015
Agenda for October 1st, 2015
Your local time
Roll call
Review Escalator JIRA issues
Review Stable requirement document in Gerrit
Discuss the progress of Sprint1
Discuss the agenda for next week meeting
Minutes for September 24th, 2015
Roll call
Maria (Ericsson)
Malla (DoCoMo)
Zhong (ZTE)
Jie (ZTE)
Jianfei (Nokia)
We have a new team member, Jianfei from Nokia, Hangzhou, China. His technical area is VNF SW upgrade. We have introduced each other and Jie briefly introduced progress of project Escalator.
Review Escalator sprint plan on JIRA
Jie introduced the Escalator sprint plan with EPIC, STORY, SUB-TASK and BUG on And ask team to take a look on and comments.
Maria made an update text of 02 (Jira: ESCALATOR-8). It is already merged into Master.
Now, everyone could work on JIRA/Gerrit/git.
Jie pointed that there was tutorial videos in OPNFV community:
We encountered a big problem on audio during this GTM.
Discuss the agenda for next week meeting
Agenda for September 24th, 2015
Your local time
Roll call
Review Escalator sprint plan on JIRA
Review Stable requirement document in Gerrit/Git repo
Discussion for Milestone C and Milestone D
Discuss the agenda for next week meeting
Minutes for September 17th, 2015
Roll call
Maria (Ericsson)
Malla (DoCoMo)
Jie (ZTE)
Review the the tasks in Escalator sprint plan on JIRA
Maria pointed out we have more works to do for requirement document
Jie said ZTE is preparing some text for the use cases and scenarios. Jie created a JIRA (ESCALATOR-6) to add Guobing Wang (mailto: to INFO file after meeting.
Team agreed to speed up escalator by using Gerrit and rst document for review and commenting on small version of draft in the following days….
Review requirement document on Gerrit
Maria comments on the syntax errors in the current document in rst format.
Jie promised to fix it today. Jie created a JIRA (ESCALATOR-5), and use 4 hours to fixed it after meeting.
Team agreed to provide a concise and clear requirement document for Milestone C
Discuss any other issues for Milestone C
Discuss the agenda for next week meeting
The next meeting will be hold on Sept 24th just one day before Rel-B Milestone C
The team will meet in OPNFV summit, November.
Agenda for September 17th, 2015
Your local time
Roll call
Review the the tasks in Escalator sprint plan on JIRA
Review requirement document on Gerrit
Discuss any other issues for Milestone C
Discuss the agenda for next week meeting
Minutes for September 10th, 2015
Roll call
Uli (Huawei)
Malla (DoCoMo)
Zhong Chao (ZTE)
Jie Hu (ZTE)
Maria Toeroe (Ericsson)
Liyi Meng (Ericsson)
Uli reported that his presentation for OPNFV summit was not ready
Jie reported what we need to do before Milestone C
Sprint plan ready on Jira
Stable Requirement document on Gerrit & Git
Status Report on every Friday
Attend B release meeting for PL every Tuesday 11:00PM-01:00AM or every Thursday 10:00AM-11:00AM (ASIA)
Jie reported the Requirement (.rst) is ready on Gerrit & Git, team could work on it in the future
The team reviewed REQ V0.4 on gerrit
Jie introduce what he had revised.
Maria pointed out some of her input on Etherpad is missing by Jie started converting file too early
Some number index shows "#"
Liyi tried to make a comment to reply Jie's note in gerrit. It seems every thing working.
Discuss any other issues for Milestone C
Maria said that RST is a nightmare for collaborate editing. Liyi agreed.
Uli said that RST is the only way in Gerrit & GiT, and Jenkins could output PDF report from RST automatically.
Jie will learn how to use Jenkins.
Jie ask the team to use JIRA, Gerrit and GIT.
Discuss the agenda for next week meeting
Agenda for September 10th, 2015
Your local time
Roll call
Review the Requirement document what parts of the document are ready for the release
REQ v0.4
The Requirement document to RST and upload to gerrit, Jira:[ESCALATOR-1]
Discuss any other issues for Milestone C
Discuss the agenda for next week meeting
Minutes for September 3rd, 2015
Roll call
Jie (ZTE)
Liyi (Ericsson)
Maria (Ericsson)
Uli (Huawei)
Malla (DOCOMO)
Liyi reported that there were no answers to the questionnaire yet
Jie reported the feedback received internally to the questionnaire (maintanance window, interface)
Jie reported that for the Milestone C we need to have
Review the Requirement document for the release
REQ v0.3
Agreed to include current sections 1-4 only and stay at the generic requirements level
If possible sync the terminology section with ETSI NFV REL - AP on Uli to check it with REL
Put the Impact Analysis section into Appendix
Discussion on the interfaces needed for upgrade and enabling version control
Agreed that we need to get our acts together to be able to release the document by Sep 25 - AP on All to review and finalize the Requirement document in etherpad
Agenda for September 3rd, 2015
Minutes for August 27th, 2015
Agenda for August 27th, 2015
Minutes for August 20th, 2015
Roll call
Liyi (Ericsson)
Maria (Ericsson)
Malla (DOCOMO)
Liyi has prepared an online version of the questionnaire.
We will complete its editing and review by the end of the week (Aug 23)
Early next week Maria will send an invite to the other teams on the mailing list to fill it out
Impact Analysis document
Minutes for August 13th, 2015
Minutes for August 6th, 2015
Minutes of July 30th, 2015
Roll call
Maria (Ericsson)
Uli (Huawei)
Malla (DOCOMO)
Jie (ZTE)
Jie reported the interaction with NFV REL WG
Strong related scopes and similar milestone on the date of reaching a stable requirements document were found. 1) Keep align on the requirement with each other, both OPNFV ESCALATOR and REL003 Chapter 8 "NFV Software upgrade"; 2) Cross participation on both Conf Calls (REL on every Tuesday 16:00-18:00 CET, Escalator on evey Thursday 1200-1300 UTC)
Uli and Maria pointed out that ETSI documents were not accessible by non ETSI members, but putting
URL links to the ETSI files on OPNFV Wiki would be OK.
Jie introduced that we do not reach an agreement with REL on pushing NWI on I/F to support negotiate/notify upgrade events in NFV stage-3 by now. We should focus on the align the requirements and finish the REQ before the Milestone B set by Debra Scott, the OPNFV PMP.
Jie had send out the Questionnaire to the OPNFV PLs. A wrong link to the file was reported and already corrected. But, Maria still have not receive the email. Jie would check email after the Call.
Discuss the agenda for next week meeting
Agenda of July 30th, 2015
Minutes of July 23th, 2015
Agenda of July 23th, 2015
Minutes of July 16th, 2015
Roll call
Maria (Ericsson)
Malla (DoCoMo)
Jie (ZTE)
Maria just back from her vacation. Jie asked Maria to chair the Weekly escalator meetings on Aug 6, 13 and 20 for his vacation.
Jie introduce the escalator plan and the reply email to Debra Scott.
Jie listed the
URL of documents on NFV release 3 planning, and ask the team if we can do collaboration with NFV.
Maria pointed out that NFV REL already have a discussion on HA, Doctor and Upgrade.
Jie said that he could not find the minutes recorded the REL's consideration on this.
Maria and Malla will try to find that with their colleagues after this meeting.
And Jie will try to talk with people of REL WG during the NFV#11 meeting.
Review the draft of Requirement document
REQ v0.2
Maria introduce on her comment on Impact analysis, Malla and Jie agree with Maria that the analysis shall specify the redundancy mode of objects. Jie said that Yuri is on the trip and the team will discuss this section on next week.
Maria 2nd comment is on the backup / snapshot. "We need to be able to negotiate with the VNF if it's ready for the upgrade". Jie pointed out that according to Liyi's suggestion, in last meeting the team had split the requirements into two. One for Escalator self, and one for the objects being upgraded. So, we can included this in detail into the later one.
Maria mentioned "Ansible", a tool, is quite related with upgrade.
Discuss the requirement collecting template from other project
Malla said that we already get Doctor's and Multi-Site's, but none from HA.
Jie said a template table of question may help us to survey other project's requirement on upgrade issues.
Maria asked what is the relationship between Escalator and Integrating and Testing Projects, e.g. BGS, Octopus. Jie said that they are focus on deployment but not on upgrade by now. Malla said that maybe they will consider it in their next step.
Discuss the agenda for next week meeting.
Agenda of July 16th, 2015
Minutes of July 9th, 2015
Agenda of July 9th, 2015
Minutes of July 2nd, 2015
Agenda of July 2nd, 2015
The June 25th Meeting is Cancelled
Minutes of June 18th, 2015
Agenda of June 18th, 2015
Minutes of June 11th, 2015
Agenda of June 11th, 2015
Minutes of June 4th, 2015
Agenda of June 4th, 2015
Minutes of May 14th, 2015
Due to the holiday, only Maria and Jie was in the meeting.
This meeting is cancelled.
The May 21st meeting will be cancelled, because of OpenStack Summit in Vancourver.
Agenda of May 14th, 2015
Your local time
Roll call
Refine Project Scope and Goal
Collecting Use Cases for Escalator
Outline the Structure of the Requirement Document
Split the work and assign to team members
Discuss the agenda for next week meeting
Minutes of May 7th, 2015
Roll Call
Ulrich Kleber (Huawei,
Jie Hu (ZTE,
Maria Toeroe (Ericsson,
Yuri Yuan (ZTE,
Jia Meng (ZTE,
Vote on Project Lead
Jie nominate himself as the initial submitter of the escalator project proposal.
No other people be nominated.
AGREED: Jie Hu from ZTE to be elected as the Project Lead of Escalator.
Confirm on the Committers and Contributors
Confirm on the time slot of project meeting
Jie asked if the current meeting arrangement is Okay for everyone.
The time slot is Okay for Asian and European people, but a little bit early for North American.
Uli is located in German, and Maria is located in East Canada.
Uli pointed out that weekly meeting is suitable for the early stage of Escalator, because of we have little time left for our requirement document to be finished in June, 2015. And we can adjust the meeting from weekly to bi-weekly in the future.
AGREED: Keep the current time slot of Escalator project meeting at 1200-1300 UTC on every Thursday.
Project plan and scope
Jie said that June is very close and we only have less than two month to finish our requirement document.
Yuri suggested that we can postpone the requirement document for one month.
Uli stated that OpenStack is a componet we should consider. And we should do some preparation works in the "OLD" version.
Jie suggested to do the Gap Analsis in paralle with drafting requirement document. And try to re-use other projects' use cases and requirements as well.
Maria pointed out HA project need upgrade requirement, too.
Jie asked the team member if someone already has vacation plan in this summer.
Uli's in August
Maria's in July
Jie's in August
Yuri's in June or July
Jia's in May
AGREED: Escalator's 1st release goal is focusing on the OLD version preparation part.
AGREED: Finishing our requirements document on June 2015.
AGREED: Gap Analysis document will be done before August 2015.
AGREED: We will do architectural work in August, and prepare BPs in September.
AGREED: FIRST Blue Print(s) to the upper stream "Openstack" M version will be done in October 2015.
Vancouver Summit
Jie asked who will attend the OpenStack Summit in Vancouver
Uli, Jie, Yuri will be there.
AGREED: escalator team meet there for a F2F discussion.
ACTION: Try to find a time slot to meet by E-mail. Fix it during next Thursday meeting.
Agenda for next weekly meeting
Maria suggested to discuss the structure of the Requirement document.
Jie suggested to discuss the work assignment among the team members.
Uli suggested to discuss the usecases, and we should take care of NFV RA.
Yuri suggested to discuss the project scope, to be more clear and detailed.
ACTION: Jie will draft the agenda for next meeting, and everyone could refine it on the wiki page.
MeetBot minutes
Agenda of May 7th, 2015
Your local time
Roll call
Confirm committers and contributors
Vote for the Project Lead
Confirm the time slot of project meetings
Project plan and scope
Requirement, June 2015
Gap Analysis, October 2015
Architecture, (TBD)
Codes/scripts, (TBD)
BPs to upper stream projects, (TBD)