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Available Resources in OPNFV LF Lab

OPNFV currently have 2 PODs available in LF Lab. These PODs have been in use by the OPNFV CI and OPNFV developers in order to handle the CI, development, and troubleshooting activities. POD1 has been decomposed in order to have resources for build, virtual deploys and other CI-related activities. This resulted in 6 standalone servers. POD2 has been and is still in use by CI and developers for the work CI and development related activities.

Clarifying the current use and identifying the future use of OPNFV LF Lab

It is important to clarify the current use of the resources located in OPNFV LF Lab in order to identify what they should really be used (CI-related activities) and settle on access rules (who should have the access).

Ideally, the resources located in OPNFV LF Lab should be handled as the reference resources and only CI and troubleshooting work should be done on them. All the project development work should be shifted to OPNFV Community Labs.

OPNFV Community Members with Access to OPNFV LF Lab

Below community members currently have the access to OPNFV LF Lab.

Member Name Project and Role Why the Access is Needed
pharos/lf_lab.1444919716.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/10/15 14:35 by Fatih Degirmenci