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Bylaws Section 5.5 (b)

Old version

A Technical Steering Committee of the OPNFV shall be established consisting of (i) a project lead from each top level project, (ii) a representative designated by each of the Platinum Members, subject to Section 2.4©; (iii) a representative designated by each of the Platinum Strategic End-User Members, subject to Section 2.4©; and (iv) such number of individuals to be elected by the active committers as may be specified and under such procedures as may from time to time be approved by the Board. The operation of the Technical Steering Committee shall be governed by the rules of process of such Committee as from time to time approved by the Board. The Technical Steering Committee shall be under the leadership of a Technical Steering Committee Chair elected by the Technical Steering Committee, who shall serve at the pleasure of the Technical Steering Committee and the Board. The Technical Steering Committee Chair may attend and vote at meetings of the Board. The Technical Steering Committee Chair shall be elected annually with no term limits.

New version

A Technical Steering Committee of the OPNFV shall be established consisting of (i) such number of project leads of active integrated OPNFV projects to be elected by the active committers as may be specified and under such procedures as may from time to time be approved by the Board (ii) a representative designated by each of the Platinum Members, subject to Section 2.4©; (iii) a representative designated by each of the Platinum Strategic End-User Members, subject to Section 2.4©; and (iv) such number of individuals to be elected by the active committers as may be specified and under such procedures as may from time to time be approved by the Board. The operation of the Technical Steering Committee shall be governed by the rules of process of such Committee as from time to time approved by the Board. The Technical Steering Committee shall be under the leadership of a Technical Steering Committee Chair elected by the Technical Steering Committee, who shall serve at the pleasure of the Technical Steering Committee and the Board. The Technical Steering Committee Chair may attend and vote at meetings of the Board. The Technical Steering Committee Chair shall be elected annually with no term limits.

Question: Should we limit the voting in (i) to project leads only?

TSC Charter Section 4. Establishment of the TSC.

Old version

The TSC members shall consist of Platinum member designates and Project Leads from “top level” projects as defined in the project lifecycle document. There may be only one Project Lead per project that shall be nominated by the project.

No single company, including its affiliated companies as defined in the Bylaws, may have more than two votes on the TSC. If a single company and its affiliated companies merits more than two TSC votes, either the designate must stand down, or any new Project Leads for that company may designate an alternative representative from their project to attend and vote at the TSC.

The TSC may choose to create community representative votes on the TSC in order to include more community members from the OPNFV projects. Such positions would be open for individual nominations and active committers would elect the representative to serve a term of one year.

The TSC will elect from amongst voting TSC members a chairperson who will represent the TSC to the Board for a term of one year according to the OPNFV ByLaws. The TSC shall hold elections to select a TSC Chair annually; there are no limits on the number of terms a TSC Chair may serve.

New version

The TSC members shall consist of Platinum member designates and an elected group of up to 6 Project Leads from integration level projects, as defined in the project lifecycle document.

No single company, including its affiliated companies as defined in the Bylaws, may have more than two votes on the TSC. If a single company and its affiliated companies merits more than two TSC votes, either the designate must stand down, or any new Project Leads for that company may designate an alternative representative from their project to attend and vote at the TSC.

The TSC may choose to create community representative votes on the TSC in order to include more community members from the OPNFV projects. Such positions would be open for individual nominations and active committers would elect the representative to serve a term of one year.

The TSC will elect from amongst voting TSC members a chairperson who will represent the TSC to the Board for a term of one year according to the OPNFV ByLaws. The TSC shall hold elections to select a TSC Chair annually; there are no limits on the number of terms a TSC Chair may serve.

Question - 4/8 instead of 6 as maximum number of Project Leads?

TSC Policy

Old version

OPNFV will support projects focused on the following:

  • Code development
  • Requirements
  • Platform Integration & Testing
  • Documentation
  • Collaboration with external projects
  • Other projects that the TSC determines will improve OPNFV

New version

OPNFV will support projects including, where applicable, the following development activities:

  • Code development
  • Requirements definition
  • Platform Integration & Testing
  • Documentation
  • Collaboration with external projects
project_lifecycle_bylaws.1441209152.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/09/02 15:52 by Ildiko Vancsa