Resource Scheduler
The overall goal of this project is to enhance the resource scheduler for the performance optimization, with the information of network and resource isolation.
For the telecommunication applications, besides the number of CPU and memory, the resource scheduler needs much more information of network for resource allocation. Currently, the function of the OpenStack to monitor and collect information from network is not enough for much applications. The information is listed below:
To provide low call latency, compute capability of VMs must be guaranteed for VNF. Every VM should not interfere with other VMs. However, OpenStack couldn’t isolate compute resources completely at present. Firstly, the NFVI management system may preempt CPU resources from VMs of VNF. Secondly, when two or more VMs may share one core, service processes will affect each other. In above cases, call latency on VMs will be extended and can’t meet carrier-grade requirements.
One application usually consists of several VMs and VLinks. The VMs and VLinks may have different resource requirements and constraints. The allocation of the VMs and VLinks should not only obey these requirements and constraints, but also meet the policy of the optimize performance for the system as possible, like minimize the number of the hosts, or load-balance with minimal difference among the hosts, and so on. However, the VM deployment is implemented by Nova-Scheduler of OpenStack via filters and weighting method currently, and can’t guarantee high performance. Even more, the Ceilometer in OpenStack could not get the information of network, so the Nova-Scheduler can’t support the network resource requirements and constraints. If the VMs which need to be allocated simultaneously can be considered together, the performance of the result would be better. So the scheduler needs to be enhanced for multi VM allocation optimizing of this problem.
The figure below shows the Resource Scheduling for VNF with some specific policies and deployment constrains. The VNFM or NFVO request the VNF deployment by Or-Vi or Vi-Vnfm interface. The request contains the compute/storage/network resource each VM needed in the VNF, the deployment policies such as Load Balance, constrains such as VM-VM affinity/anti-affinity, QOS requirement of the VLink, etc. The network information can be getting from the Neutron, Ceilometer, libvert, and even SDN Controller. Then the Scheduler gets the current Host and PLink status, and schedules VM and Host to deploy VNF successfully.
Specify testing and integration like interoperability, scalability, high availablity
What QA and test resources will be available?