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Project: Service Function Chaining


Service Function Chaining provides the ability to define an ordered list of a network services (e.g. firewalls, NAT, QoS). These service are then "stitched" together in the network to create a service chain. This project provides the infrastructure to install the upstream ODL SFC implementation project in an NFV environment.

Key Project Facts

Project: Service Function Chaining (sfc)
Project Creation Date: May 5, 2015
Project Category: Collaborative Development
Lifecycle State: Incubation
Primary Contact: Brady Johnson (
Project Lead: Brady Johnson (
Mailing list tag: [SFC]
IRC: #opnfv-sfc
git repo: sfc
Gerrit: SFC Gerrit


  • Brady Johnson (
  • Reinaldo Penno (
  • Paul Quinn (
  • Jim Guichard (
  • Sam Hague (
  • Tom Nadeau (
  • Vishal Murgai (
  • Kiran Sreenivasa(

Link(s) to approval of additional committers:


  • Christopher Price (
  • Danny Zhou (
  • Johnson Li (
  • Eric Multanen (

Cloning the code:

git clone ssh://<username>

Reference Materials / Presentations / Other Helpful stuff


Weekly On Wednesday 14:00 UTC

Goto Meeting Link

You can also dial in using your phone

  • Sweden: +46 (0) 852 500 186
  • Australia: +61 2 8355 1020
  • France: +33 (0) 170 950 594
  • Germany: +49 (0) 692 5736 7317
  • Italy: +39 0 247 92 13 01
  • Spain: +34 911 82 9906
  • United Kingdom: +44 (0) 330 221 0088
  • United States: +1 (646) 749-3129

Access Code: 611-478-989
Meeting ID: 611-478-989
IRC channel: #opnfv-sfc

Agenda for next meetings

Pending Action Items from previous meetings

  • Send email to the SFC list to get information about the OPNFV SFC Brahmaputra testing scope (Ana Cunha, 2015-09-23) [ONGOING]
  • Add tests to the Use Case Epic (Brady Johnson, 2015-09-23) [ONGOING]
  • Help with Documentation Epic by creating sub-stories (Brian Sullivan, 2015-09-16) [ONGOING]
  • Look into NSH aware SFs (Paul Quinn, 2015-08-12) [Ongoing]
    • Mentioned Aug 2 that he is discussing internally to provide an image of a demo SF
  • Investigate VNFM test driver and bring to next meeting (Uri Elzer, 2015-08-12) [Ongoing]

Minutes of Meeting

2015-09-23: Presentation: IP-less SFs by Danny Zhou IRC minutes
2015-09-23: Review Milestone C artifacts IRC minutes
2015-09-16: VnfMgrSim demo, Genesis, JIRA Stories IRC minutes
2015-09-09: IRC minutes
2015-09-02: VM vxlan port and installer discussions IRC minutes
2015-08-12: VNFMgr and First use case discussions IRC minutes
2015-08-05: Tacker discussions IRC minutes
2015-07-22: Coordinator decision IRC minutes
2015-07-15: More Coordinator discussions IRC minutes
2015-07-08: Detailed ODL-OpenStack Coordinator discussions IRC minutes
2015-07-01: Project initialization discussions Minutes of meeting email
2015-06-24: OPNFV SFC Kick-off meeting Minutes of meeting email

Brahmaputra Release documents and discussions

Preliminary OPNFV SFC Brahmaputra Release Planning

This document serves as the information baseline for the current ongoing discussion regarding OpenStack and ODL SFC coordination

This document describes the OPNFV SFC Architecture:

service_function_chaining.1446564854.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/11/03 15:34 (external edit)