Minutes of Technical Community Discussion on April 30, 2015

Artur and Prakash introduced this proposal. They emphasized that the work already started in BGS project, and targeted for next release.

The first type of question was about consistency between installers. Prakash answered that there is an effort to consolidate different installers. For example, Foreman and Fuel are trying to maximize commonality even in Release 1. We will eventually reach a procedure that will be applicable to various installers and JOID will meet those requirements.

Narinder Gupta from Canonical also indicated that if common Puppet module/library is the common goal, Juju intends to support it as part of its call to Puppet scripts.

The second type of question was about images to use. Prakash indicated that image building is not part of Juju. We can use image tools either of Ububtu or any Linux or Openstack to create cloud images using cloud-init or native Linux tools with metadata supplied as user data for boot time references to them.

Group agreed to show community support of this proposal in BGS, and wished it the best of luck in continuing its effort.

Ari from Ericsson introduced this proposal. This project is targeted for compliance use cases which are not seen from industry point of view like PCI compliance, rather targeted towards OPNFV platform upstream software like Openstack Core modules and SDN controllers like ODL and may be in future Open Contrail and ONOS etc. These are based on Profile and Data Formats defined in the reference of project and the idea is to translate per Software component, and provide a vehicle to collect those data based on component profiles like inspector profile for nova, neutron, ODL Open Flow module etc. Project will provide just the tools, but not judge compliance. The important part of the project is to identify components that don't yet provide necessary auditing capabilities.

Bryan asked the question about potential dependency on Copper / Policy project. It was clarified that Inspect project is for offline, long-term auditing purpose. Copper and other projects target for real-time policy handling and enforcement.

Ray's question centered around the modules in Openstack where the implementation was proposed to occur. Several of those modules seemed new or not part of core OpenStack and, thus, might not be included in the OPNFV distro. The question begs the larger issue that we have not yet defined which OpenStack module will be in the OPNFV distro. So we should bring the awareness that Inspector’s modules must be included in the OPNFV distro now.

When being asked ONOS, Ari answered that at the moment ONOS is not included. The project invites more committers and contributors from relevant project, so the topics can be covered.

Ari also indicated that Inspector had already been reviewed also in the security subgroup

Group's consensus is that this project reaches maturity, and ready for creation review in TSC.

Author was not present. Postponed to next meeting.

Meeting adjourned