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This page will capture additional notes that will perhaps help you in using the multi-node non-HA bare-metal JOID install for Academy.

Restarting the nodes

You should be able to power-down the NUC boxes and move them to another place. The should power-up and be reconnected using the same addresses they were assigned in the install (at least this works for the 3-node deploy). The procedure to power-up is:

  • power-on the jumphost
  • Wait for the MAAS UI to be restored at
  • Via the MAAS Nodes panel (, select bootstrap.maas and "Take Action" "Power on"
  • Wait for the JuJu UI to be restored at
  • Via the MAAS Nodes panel, power on the controller node
  • On the jumphost, repeatedly enter the command until you see only "compute1.maas" listed in the output
sudo juju status --format=tabular | grep lost
  • Via the MAAS Nodes panel, power on the compute node
  • Verify the Horizon UI is active at (or the address that applies for your install)
  • Verify the DLUX UI is active at (or the address that applies for your install)
  • SSH into the jumphost (root/Op3nStack) and restart the Foreman VM
copper/academy/joid/notes.txt · Last modified: 2015/12/09 22:37 by Bryan Sullivan