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Project: Smooth Upgrade (escalator)

In the traditional Telco operator’s network, the service (software) is often bound with dedicated hardware and platform. It is easy to upgrade the whole system on demand. With the technical benefit of virtualization, NFV framework provides a scalable container for each VNF (service software), and de-couples them from the platform and hardware (NFVI).

OPNFV community must provide some kind of mechanism to assure the operators can perform smooth upgrade of the NFVI and VIM without service interruption when a new major(full set of components with new functions) is released, or a minor version (partial set of components with bug fixed) is required. Or, at least the service would be recovered within an expected short time.

This project is aiming to identify the user requirements on smooth upgrade the NFVI and VIM from one version to another. Such as:

  • the maximum duration of an upgrade
  • the maximum duration of a rollback when an upgrade is failed
  • the maximum duration of a VNF interruption
  • the granularity of an upgrade
  • the required mechanisms when an upgrade is carried on
  • the required mechanisms to prepare an upgrade
  • the potential I/F between VIM and VNF Manager / NFV Orchestrator if needed
  • the information flows among the related entities
  • etc.

This project will provide a requirement document on NFVI and VIM upgrading. And it will identify the gaps from the user requirements to the approved OPNFV projects and other upstream projects.

Based on the output of this project, we may propose another project (or extend this project) on the reference design and implementation on smooth upgrade of NFVI and VIM.

Blue Prints may be generated and send to upper stream projects from this project on behalf of the OPNFV community.


Key Project Facts

Project: Smooth Upgrade (escalator)
Project Creation Date: April 21, 2015
Project Category: Requirements
Lifecycle State: Incubation
Primary Contact: Jie Hu (ZTE,
Project Lead: Jie Hu (hujie)
Jira Project Name: Smooth Upgrade
Jira Project Prefix: escalator
Repository : escalator
Meetings: Every Thursday 1200-1300 UTC Your local time escalator meeting
IRC : #opnfv-meeting @ Freenode (Web Chat)
Mailing List : use opnfv-tech-discuss and tag your emails with [escalator] in the subject



Link to TSC approval of the project: Minutes of TSC meeting on April 21, 2015
Link(s) to approval of project lead and additional committers:

escalator.1448546254.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/11/26 13:57 by Jie Hu