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Project: High Availability for OPNFV (Availability)

This project is focusing on the high availability requirements of the OPNFV platform regarding the Carrier Grade NFV scenarios. In this project, we address HA requirements and solutions in 3 different perspectives, the hardware HA, the virtual infrastructure HA and the service HA, to be specific. Requirement and API definition of high availability of OPNFV will be outputed from this project.

Project Category

Requirement Project

Project Outputs

• Report of HA Requirement (including KPI)

• HA API Integration, Testing, and Development Guideline

• HA Gap Analysis Report for OpenStack

• Report of service HA schemes


Slides for 2015 Q1 Hackfest in Prague: high_availability_project_report-v2.0.pptx

Key Project Facts

Project Creation Date: 2014.12
Project Category: Requirements
Lifecycle State:
Primary Contact:
Project Lead:
Jira Project Name: High Availability project
Jira Project key: HA
** Mailing list tag: [availability]

Please split this into Committers and Contributers, commiters have +2 and submit, contributors have +1 →

Committers and Contributers

Qiao Fu (

Palani Chinnakannan (pals) []

Huailin Chen []

Jun Zhang []

Stefan Arntzen []

Yuyijun (Eugene) []

xueyifei []

Hellmann, Gil []

Jonas Bjurel []

Mario Cho []

Maria Toeroe []

Tamas Zsiros []

Yuan Yue []

Zeng Linghui []

Jolliffe, Ian []

Hans Feldt []

Yao Cheng LIANG []

high_availability_for_opnfv.1428473801.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/04/08 06:16 by Qiao Fu