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Movie Project Meeting



  • Wednesday 03:00-04:00 AM UTC
  • Your Local Time (Tuesday 19:00 US Pacific Time)

To join the meeting:

Meeting on March 2th, 2016


  1. Release B status
  2. ODL NEMO Review
  3. MOVIE and NEMO
  4. NEMO demo on MWC2016


1. Release B status

We discussed the inability to deliver on Release B in parallel with Beryllium ODL release as NEMO code which is the modeling was not ready.

2. ODL NEMO Review

We reviewed the CloudVPN (BGP VPN) use case that has been built for MWC Demo.

In this demo 3-node, 1 Beijing, 1 Shanghai bank tenants access the Data Center node with two Applications A1 and A2 services, providing both http and video services. The chain1 is used by both site users which passed through Firewall and Load Balancer in that order. The traffic from Beijing is allowed both Http and Video traffic for priority 1 but for Shanghai site only http traffic is allowed based on priority 1. All priority 0 traffic are denied by Firewall.

Thus with Nemo language the MOVIE model can be implemented for the 3-node use case.


It was decides to try NEMO OSGi bundle on ODL site that will be built in Santa Clara Lab to test and see if this can be done for one use case.

This will be sued as part of Release-C depending on resource available.

4. The MOVIE project will try complete the Release B documentation borrowing from ODL or linking to ODL for BOD and SFC use cases.

5. The use case demo of 2 will be called Cloud VPN and we will try add that to Release C of OPNFV.

Meeting on October 14th, 2015

Your local time


  1. Roll call
  2. Discussion on the Jira tickets.
  3. Discussion on the policy integration with RS team.
  4. AOB

JIRA reference:


Meeting on September 23th, 2015

Your local time


  1. Roll call
  2. Prakash will lead the discussion on the IFA 005 contribution.
  3. Discussion on the policy integration with RS team.
  4. AOB

JIRA reference:


We talked about the NEMO intent project in ODL, and the proposed language. We found NEMO language is a new style for intent NBI. And very easy to use just like talking with the controller.

1. Reviewed NFV IFA005 Interfaces and actions supported and we will need to MAP Intents to these APIs and compare with OpenStack to see if we are missing any attributes or actions. For we will try map use cases and Intents to conclude drawing use case flows for BOD, VN and SFC. This will take about 4-5 weeks.

2. How is NEMO different from other languages like Frenetic.

3. How does it compare with Data-log?

  • Its domain independent where as the NEMO is based on Domains like Network, Compute & Storage. Data-log cannot describe the use cases like BOD, NV, SFC etc.

4. Likely dates for NEMO release with ODL is 12/17/2015 which we can target for one or more use cases as we decide, and ONOS will need more need investigation. This will be ODL release date for compass to take it further into Brahmaputra OPNFV release.

5. Review Akanda's rug ( on stackforge for Service VM to apply MOVIE use cases.

6. Discussion about the MOVIE API Specification -Based on support for Intent based on NEMO API in ODL we need to compare the same with ONOS / XoS.

  • Intent Expression & Compilation
  • Looks like BOD is still at Network level service and we may have to look at other uses cases to see if they are service level intent. So the BOD scenario is provision based for customer like cost or QoS we can condition it as intent.

Meeting on September 16th, 2015

Your local time


  1. Roll call
  2. Announce Prakash to be a new committer.
  3. Prakash will lead the discusion on the two JIRA tickets.
  4. AOB

JIRA reference:

Define MOVIE API Specification

Implementing MOVIE API in OpenStack using Micro Services by Modules


MOVIE had a meeting earlier and decided to provie the 3 use cases of BOD, VN and SFC each with API at two weeks intervals. Also there was discussions to separate Service Abstraction , Service Policy and Intent and call it "Intent Based Policy". The debate was on how it's different from GBP. There was dicussion on Info Model as how Object Node is actually Nodes (type can be host, layer 2 group, layer 3 group, service function pool etc.) and Connection can contain flow. This is to compare how GBP can be built from IBP objects. Plus noted that Flow is contained in Connection objetcs.The native modeling was agreed will be based on Yand Model for both Instances and operations where Action is mandatory, constraints and conditions are optional. The Jira Movie-2 was API creation with there use cases was estaimted toal of 6-weeks so at to complete API work by November 30th. However OPNFV APIs will be implemented by Dec 30th, 2015 for it to be ready in time for OPNFV B Release. The biggest concern was dependence on Liberty completions and start of Miataka November beginning to align with Mitaka M1.

Meeting on August 5th, 2015

Your local time


  1. Roll call
  2. Tianran will introduce current status and researches on MOVIE project for the VIM NBI.
  3. Yali Zhang will introduce the policy abstraction work in OpenStack. The bp was approved and the code was upstreamed for review. Yali will introduce the design, concept, and will give a demo to show how to operate. She would also like to collect feedback from the OPNFV community for the code revision.
  4. AOB




  • Tianran introduced the current study on the intent based VIM NBI
    1. Architecture requirement for the generic VIM NBI layer.
    2. Intent based VIM NBI core model abstractions.
    3. Difference between the concept of intent and policy.
    4. How the intent based VIM NBI can be mapped to existing OpenStack projects.
    5. Clear Peter's question on the scope of the MOVIE. The generic VIM NBI layer should not just for inent based NBIs, but can be used for a general MDA platform. So that many exisiting OPNFV project can insert the NBI models. However, a more interesting research in on the intent NBI part, which is unique in MOVIE.
  • Peter Lee introduced the very interesting tool YANGForge with a live demo
    1. YANGForge enables the MDA approach by converting YANG schema into real NBIs.
    2. It's acturally a tool chain with many related fuctions.
    3. Was suggested to play a close loop demo to show how this tool can be finially used by OpenStack and ODL.
    4. Hopefully that MOVIE could use this tool in the generic VIM NBI layer.
    5. Will send more questions to Peter offline.

Meeting on July 8th, 2015

Your local time


  1. Roll call
  2. Kevin Luehrs from cablelabs is going to introduce the proposal Connectivity Services LSO. We are going to discuss and explore how MOVIE and the ‘Connectivity Services LSO’ project relate to each other
  3. Susan Hares will report the schedule for the potential bar bof on intent based network modeling in IETF. Then we will discuss the problem statement, framework and so on.
  4. Report on Openstack Summit
    • Presentation on "Customize Openstack for Telco NFV"
    • Policy BP in Congress design summit
  5. AOB


  1. The intent based network modeling (IBNEMO) bar bof on IETF is going to happen on monday and thursday to meeting time slot of various people. Sue also introduced the agenda and the initial presentation.
  2. Kevin presented the new project. We have a good discussion and conclude that this kind of NBI is technique specific for metro ethernet. The movie project will provide a higher level abstraction and will provide a generic NBI platform so that many technique specific interfaces can be plugged in as well as their corresponding adaptions.

Meeting on June 10th, 2015

Your local time


  1. Roll call
  2. Susan Hares will report a set of use cases that will be applied in the MOVIE project.
  3. Report on Openstack Summit
    • Presentation on "Customize Openstack for Telco NFV"
    • Policy BP in Congress design summit
  4. Go through gap analysis
  5. AOB


Slides: hares-opnfv-movie-usecases.pdf

  1. The Movie discussion examined how use cases leaders described by the following organizations associated with ETSI
    • Network Provider: Telefonica, CableLabs,
    • Application Vendors: Oracle, HP,
    • Network Platform Vendors: Plexxi, Juniper, Ciena
    • Japanese: Fujitsu, NEC
  2. Can be expressed by the following use cases:
    • Virtual WANs or VPN (L2 VPN or L3 VPN )
    • DC networks
    • Bandwidth on Demand
    • Service Chaining
    • Mobile Phone connections (not in slides)
    • B to B (not in slides)

Based on the feedback Sue Hares received, for our next meeting. she will write-up the uses cases and indicate what problems these show. Movie members suggested these cases case be presented in write-up and in power-point. In another document, she will summarize and expand on the problems these use cases show.

Meeting on May 13th, 2015

Your local time


  1. Roll call
  2. Yali will introduce a blueprint to be discussed on OpenStack Congress design summit. It's about the policy interface abstraction.
  3. Go through gap analysis
  4. AOB


  • On the meeting Yali introduced the blueprint to be discussed on the OpenStack Congress design summit. The material is attached as follows:
  • As we have discussed the gap of congress, this contribution might be part of the movie project.

Meeting on April 30th, 2015

Your local time


  1. Roll call
  2. Peter will introduce Stormforge and promise
  3. Go through gap analysis
  4. AOB


  1. Tianran presented the movie project goal and the proposed movie project architecture
    • Two parts of work to do: the higher level mano service oriented model abstraction and the general VIM NBI framework.
  2. Due to the confict with some meeting, suggest to have a biweekly meeting on Wednesday 1am UTC;
  3. Peter introduced the Stormforge project
    • Provide multi-views of NBI for different user/app, which enables the NBI customization.
    • Provide tools for YANG to interface automation
    • "Controller" in the stormforge framework equals to the adapter of SB and NB, which contains the translation logic.
    • Showed many YANG models developed in stormforge
    • It's not written in python, so it's hard to contribute to OpenStack.
  4. Adjourned

Meeting on April 22th, 2015

Your local time


  1. Roll call
  2. Confirm committers and contributors
  3. Confirm the time slot of project meetings
  4. Project plan and scope
    • OPNFV requirements and gap analysis
    • Use cases and higher level abstractions
    • OpenStack BP
    • ETSI proposal
    • OPNFV summit demo
  5. AOB


  1. Kick off the movie project.
  2. Need to appoint member for gap analysis of dedicated projects in OPNFV. We also need to track OpenStack.
    • Parviz would like to check Copper and ETSI.
  3. Talked about the general NBI architecture. Suggested to refer MD-SAL in ODL and Stormforge.
    • Will invited Peter Lee to give an introduction on Stormforge.
  4. Should start from specific uses cases, and analyze the process and interface requirements step by step.
meetings/movie.txt · Last modified: 2016/03/02 06:15 by Tianran Zhou