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Project Name:

  • Proposed name for the project: Daisy@nfv
  • Proposed name for the repository: daisy

Project description:

  • Daisy@nfv is an installer project based on open source project daisy(, which provides automated deployment and management of OpenStack and other distributed systems.
  • In Daisy@nfv project, we will support the installation of OPNFV release. It will support deployment of OPNFV full stack, with different flavors of configuration, on both bare-metal servers and virtual machines. We will also working closely with genesis and escalator project together to provide a complete improvement solutions for both installing and upgrading for opnfv.
  • The unique values that Daisy@nfv will bring to the OPNFV community includes the following:
  • Abstract and provides necessary information for upgrader(escalator) to do upgrading efficiently and accordingly. Thus, set as a example of how the escalator, genesis and installer can work together to bring more value to the end user.
  • Building blocks

  • Daisy consist of four main building blocks: Daisy-Dashboard, Daisy-Core, Daisy-Cupric and Daisy-Registry. Daisy-Dashboard is the web interface. Daisy-Core is the core logic which equips RESTful API for both northbound Interface(Daisycloud-Dashboard) and southbound Interface(Daisycloud-cupric). Daisy-Cupric takes the responsbility to do power control as well as discovery of target nodes. Daisy-Registry is the database.
  • “Configuration for Daisy@nfv” is the specific configuration or patch that added by Daisy@nfv project to let Daisy to support deploying opnfv stack to target environment.
  • “Registry Plugin for Daisy@nfv” is also unique for opnfv. It is a plugin of the “Daisy Registry” module, and it will be used as a bridge between installer and Escalator. When data is changed in Daisy Registry which related to upgrading, it will be passed based on a notification to Daisy@nfv. Later, Escalator can query such information from Daisy@nfv module directly or indirectly. Indirectly means Daisy@nfv should populate data to a more general layer such as Genesis, then Escalator only have to talk to Genesis to get what it needs. Thus a loose coupling design of installation and upgrading can be achieved.


  • Absorbing all of OPNFV's release cadence features through the genesis project.
  • Working closely with genesis and escalator project together to provide a complete improvement solutions for both installation and upgrading.
  • Providing needed capabilities for the OPNFV CI pipeline, including:
    • Build
    • Deployment
    • Needed hooks for low-level verification (tempest)
    • Needed hooks for high-level verification (Scenario testing) – Yardstick
    • Supporting Widely collaboration with integration of all open source SDN controllers, e.g ONOS, ODL etc
    • Making all code changes as upstream as possible into respective projects


  • Local lab rsources are used for integration and testing for upstream Daisy project.
  • Will colaborate with related opnfv project (releng/functest) to provide testability for all Daisy@nfv based artifacts.


  • TBD


Committers and Contributors:

Names and affiliations of the committers

  • Zhijiang Hu(ZTE) :
  • Jing Sun (ZTE) :
  • Yao Lu (ZTE) :

Names and affiliations of any other contributors

Planned deliverables:

  • Daisy@nfv Installer based on Daisy open source for OPNFV stacks
  • Daisy@nfv - Documentation (ODL / ONOSFW versions)

Proposed Release Schedule:

  • Plan to release with opnfv version D

Key Project Facts

Project Name: Daisy@nfv (daisy)
Repo name: daisy
Lifecycle State: Proposal
Primary Contact:
Project Lead:
Jira Project Name: Daisy@nfv
Jira Project Prefix: [Daisy]
mailing list tag [Daisy]

  • Zhijiang Hu(ZTE) :
  • Jing Sun (ZTE) :
  • Yao Lu (ZTE) :

Link to TSC approval: TBD
Link to approval of additional submitters: TBD

project_proposals/daisy_nfv.1458636806.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/03/22 08:53 by Zhijiang Hu